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Found: 534
GrundigCUC7301Poor regulation of psusm diodes cd 654 and cd656 leaky. They are type LS4148 but standard 1N4148 ,s work ok.14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301PSU rebuildCheck mains smoother C626 47µ 385v or PSU may need rebuilding again14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301Reduced width and line tearing when TV gets hot.Replace surface mount transistor CT169 BC858B14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301Sound only - burst of line at sw on onlyLine osc at base of Line dr tr - nothing at collector. CT169 line osc buffer BC858B sm faulty. Note - HT is 105v when set working but rises to 129v in st/by or when non operational - normal?14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301St/by onlyC667 100µ 35v 14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301Tripping with front led flashingNo HT on dummy load - HT preset R654 470R o/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301Vert cogging, line speed int decreases with narrow pic & overheating LOPTrCT169 BC858B sm pre-driver tr (2" back from jungle chip - LOPTx side of scart skt)14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301Dead aft few mins - line drive lostBuffer CT169 BC858B sm tr faulty14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301/3Dead - PSU blownCaused by dry joint C669 - repair kits available from SEME or CHS also check C626 47u 385v for o/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC7301/3Dead after dry joint C669 caused havocT665 MJF18004C chopper s/c; IC630 µC3842N/AN; D621-4 1N4007; R661 220R; D663 3v6 zener; CD651 ZD18v; D667 BA157 leaky.14-09-04

GrundigCUC7301/3Mains fuse S1600 2.5A blows int1N4007 mains rect diode, also check IC630, T665chopper tr, zener D663, R661220R,Caps C661/663/656 & 66714-09-04
GrundigCUC7303Dead - PSU blownChopper tfmr, S2055 LOPTr & FOP chip14-09-04
GrundigCUC7303Dead apart from LED flashingSw mode trnfmr o/c winding between pins 5 & 7 (was able to repair)14-09-04
GrundigCUC7303Dead with mains fuse o/cDegauss positor14-09-04
GrundigCUC7303Led blinks at 1 Hz rate,no start-upChange D667 (BA 157) even if it reads ok!!.14-09-04
GrundigCUC7303off burning smellbad joints mains sw14-09-04
GrundigCUC7303St/by LED blinks (tripping)D667 BA157 -use BA159 in lieu, UC3842 supply rect (measured ok) also check 0R82 res in emitter, 2 x 1N4004 & res 220R & sm LS4148 diodes & HT control for o/c + chopper Tr & IC14-09-04
GrundigCUC7303Won't go fully into st/by - crt heaters stay lit etcPin 1 IC676 should drop to 1.2v in st/by - was staying at 10.7v. BC848 sm tr downstream from pin 1 was faulty though checked ok14-09-04
GrundigCUC7305no vid or soundsm tr CT840 BC848B vid sw tr faulty14-09-04
GrundigCUC7306Auto tune problemsif auto tune used it defaults to wrong tv standard be aware!14-09-04
GrundigCUC731KTNo start upD633 1N4935 s/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350"E" instead of "OK" shows when storingSw on with "Prog -" button depressed to clear "fault"14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350DeadChopper FET & control IC partial cure but all volts low until R60027/8 0R56 1w reistors replaced14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Dead - 2.5A fuse blackenedT60020 IRFBC40 chopper tr s/c; D60013 1N4007 mains rect s/c; C60029 dry joints; R60023 1N4003 s/c; R60027 0R56 o/c14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Dead - Chopper FET & 2 rect diodes s/cdry joint on C600 - blew again later due to arcing between FET & heatsink14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Dead IRFBC40 chopper MOSFET failureDry joints C60029 470pf. Check R60027/28 0R46, R60022 10R, D6011-14 D60023-24 1N400714-09-04
GrundigCUC7350Int start upC60031 100µ 35v in psu14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350mains fuse o/c, BUZ chopper tr s/cdry joint C60029 470pf 1.6Kv also check D60011-14 & D60023/4 rects14-09-04
GrundigCUC7350No HT controlHT pot R60027 increased in value from 0R68 to 1R514-09-04
GrundigCUC7350No soundcheck sm trs to left of audio IC - mute sound in st/by & when told by micro - BC848C faulty in this case14-09-04
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