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Found: 901
HitachiC2114TRepeated failure of field chipCheck by replacing C603 100µ 35v, C719 1000µ 35v14-09-04
HitachiC2114Treverts to st/by at sw onTA8427K field o/p chip faulty14-09-04
HitachiC2114TSt/by onlys/c across 27v supply - field o/p chip IC601 TA8427K u/s14-09-04
HitachiC2114TSt/by onlyR951 39k ?w hi res, FOP chip TA8427K short14-09-04
HitachiC2114TSt/by only - LED flickers when front ctls pressedHT at 120v (112v) No 9v from PSU due to IC601 s/c TA8427K, & check ZD952 130v zener14-09-04
HitachiC2114T-311No control via front controls/sigs disappearFit updated micro kit pt no A52321714-09-04
HitachiC2117TReverts to st/by aft burst of power at sw onR952 gone slightly high, should be 39K, (had only gone to 42K).14-09-04
HitachiC2117TNTxt break upHF on pin 36 (H sync ) of IC001 - C718 180pF 500v near LOPTxC2133TN14-09-04
HitachiC2118RUnstable pic with hor linesDry joints FOP chip14-09-04
HitachiC2118TInt offdry joints IC703 reg14-09-04

HitachiC2118TNo signalsR044 12k in tuning line o/c14-09-04
HitachiC2118TNo tune or chan storeR144 100k 1w, R044 120k 1w in feed to 33v reg14-09-04
HitachiC2118TNo tuningR044 12k 1/2w14-09-04
HitachiC2118TTuner driftR144 (10k) & R044 (12k) both 1watt14-09-04
HitachiC2119ESt/by onlyReplace field chip & 39kres in psu next to ht preset14-09-04
HitachiC2119RField bounce1N4002 boost diode14-09-04
HitachiC2119TZSt/by onlyCheck TA8427K F o/p chip for shorts14-09-04
HitachiC2121T DaewooSquealing with no sound/picBurning smell coming from IC301 TDA8356 FOP chip which was faulty14-09-04
HitachiC2125T 11AK19KDead aft it went popD812 BYD33D s/c in 14v supply14-09-04
HitachiC2125T 11AK19Y4St/by onlyHandset was faulty even though it gave an o/p14-09-04
HitachiC2127TNo sound, no picture; OSD and TEXT are Okpin 21 (blanking) of IC201 TDA8361 stuck at 8V, replace IC201 and make sure that the correct "N" version is used, mine was TDA8361/N514-09-04
HitachiC2133TNDead - st/by only12v supply missing Pin 16 TEA2164 chopper chip - VE07 BC858B sm on front panel s/c14-09-04
HitachiC2133TNField - only half fills screen with scrolling graphics & blank rasterNS10 fop chip TDA8350Q, RS04 5k6 ?w chip res from pin 8 to chassis, safety res RK68 10R ?w pin 8 chip &C029 220µ, CK68 100µ14-09-04
HitachiC2133TNLine driver trfrmr blows aft 20 minsDiode in damping cct across pri of line dr trfrmr faulty14-09-04
HitachiC2133TNNo line driveLine driver Tr s/c but new one overheated & failed; VK11 & VK16 dry joints14-09-04
HitachiC2133TNNo soundMSP3410 Nicam dec chip14-09-04
HitachiC2133TN (Nokia)Field only ? size with osd scrolling - rest of raster blankField o/p chip NS10 TDA8350QRS04 chip resistor (5K6/0.25W) from pin 8 to deck. Safety resistor RK68 (10R/0.25W) to pin 8 of chip from 43 volts supply & check the two caps smoothing the 43 volt supply rail from the LOPT C069 (220uF) CK68 (100uF)14-09-04
HitachiC2133TN (Nokia)Snowy raster only - no osddis clock/data lines from 64 pin nicam proc chip brought back pic - chip faulty (?35)14-09-04
HitachiC2133TN StereoDEAD , JUST SBY LIGHTNO 12v TO TEA2164 IC - VEO7 ( BC858 ) S/C. FRONT PANEL14-09-04
HitachiC2146 / 2546 / 2846Int Nicam receptionCaused by solder bridge across pins 24 & 25 Nicam dec chip IC420114-09-04
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