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Found: 901
HitachiC28300,C2576TN etc A5 chassisRed pic with fb linesR829 fusible on crt base o/c (not shown on cct diag)14-09-04
HitachiC28300TN A5Long time for pic to appear & white bands acrossC954 1000µ 35v in 12.6v supply14-09-04
HitachiC2842N 11AK19PPDead - D823 blown (not shown on cct)When replaced still faulty, IC802 MC44604P chopper chip u/s - also check FET chopper Tr14-09-04
HitachiC2846Field collapseIC601 (TA8427K) + 26v rail supply R710 (2R0 safety)14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNField - lines at top of picTA8427K field chip14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNField collapseR710 2R in FOP supply o/c14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNField collapseTA 8427K and 2R0 safety res14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNModel no displayed (factory mode)Press both rec buttons on hset, sw to st/by & then sw off at mains. Wait 30secs b4 sw back on.14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNNo soundEEPROM corrupt due to dry joints on regs - replacement pt no E73004514-09-04

HitachiC2846TNNo sound - ok thro scartEEPROM faulty14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNNo sound (AV sound ok)IC002 24C04 memory chip14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNNo Sound via off air or scartReplace IC002 24C04 (Programmed with correct file)14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNRemoving Code “C46TN” from screenTV in factory set up mode - Using RCU, press two VCR REC buttons together. The MENU will appear, then switch to standby. Turn appliance back on and prompt should have disappeared.14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNShuts down int for first half hourDry joints esp at R719/R71814-09-04
HitachiC2846TNSt/by onlyIC952 dry joints14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNSt/by onlyHT high at 160v (should be 150v) R950 68k risen to 80k14-09-04
HitachiC2846TNTripping with HT peaking at 170vOK when dummy load touched onto HT rail with HT correct at 150v; R951 8k2 in opto cct hi res14-09-04
HitachiC2846TN A4Raster still present in st/byD4470 1N4531 leaky (RHS of the heatsink audio IC4450), working diode must have 28V at one end and 3.5V at the other end.14-09-04
HitachiC2846TN A4St/by only or int goes to st/byDry joints R957 (near Q950 heatsink) & check drys on IC951, 952 etc14-09-04
HitachiC2848TNDeadCheck 138v HT if hi check R950-2, Q703 gate = 3-4v (trip mode) Check for dry joints on R719 or Ics 950, 951,95214-09-04
HitachiC2848TNIn factory set up mode - C***48TN-311 displayedRemove R/C flap & press tuning button. Then press Menu button & go to st/by14-09-04
HitachiC2848TNNo sound - sound psu trippingStill trips with both audio o/p chips dis'd - D9112 s/c14-09-04
HitachiC2848TNno tuning or hi vol setting (hotel mode)depress vol+/- whilst sw on. Press 2 vcr buttons on r/c. Check for "H" in lower right of menu. If pesent, delete using - /-- button.14-09-04
HitachiC2848TNTxt has low contrastPoor freq response on Txt - change C805-6&7 to 470pF, check R203 is 2k2 & R204 is 560R - R204 can be changed to 680R as a last resort14-09-04
HitachiC2856/2886HT setting152v14-09-04
HitachiC2858TNDead & trippingC932 1000µ 16v, C933 2200µ 16v low cap14-09-04
HitachiC2858TNdead int for a few secs at a timeVR941 2k2, R941 100k - adj HT to 157v14-09-04
HitachiC2858TNInt dead between 1 & 3 secsReplace VR941 2k2, R941 100k, and set HT to 157v14-09-04
HitachiC2862TNNO EW AND LOW WIDTHCH09 150nF OC14-09-04
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