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Found: 901
HitachiNP6CStartup - no startup.R733 o/c.C910 startup con.14-09-04
HitachiNP6CSync - Line frequency varies.TR702.14-09-04
HitachiNP80FIELD COLLAPSED601 ON PIN 9 IC701 S/C14-09-04
HitachiNP81Frame - bounce on ch change or picture changeC610 ( 220u f 50v )14-09-04
HitachiNP81NO PICTURE , POWER SUPPLY SCREAMING , LINE TEARING AC906 O.C. 220mfd , 400v14-09-04
HitachiNP81POOR FIELD LINC614 2u2 TANTALUM14-09-04
HitachiNP81TB700 P.SUPP TRANSISTORS S.C. RB713 o/cREPLACE ALONG WITH C712 C726 94.7uF )14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQBlanking fault.C715 ( 4.7u f 250v )14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQBright pic on lh sideC715 4µ 250v - HT smoother to rgb o/p stages14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQBright white screenCheck V at K2 on CRT base if low replace C715 ( 4.7uF )14-09-04

HitachiNP81CQDark pic 1st Anode low 200VC714 ( 0.068uF ) 1KV o/c14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQdeadMains fuse o/c; pin 6 chopper tfmr burnt, STK411, Q901 2SD787; R904 82K hi res, D901 2v7 zener s/c, D902 33v zener o/c, lop tr s/c, TDA1035S sound chip u/s14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQDead.R905 ( 56R 3w ) o/c , R906 ( 82R 2w ) o/c.14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQField bounce esp on chan change & hi contrastC601 220µ 50v u/s14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQFlyback lines on picture.C715 ( 4.7u f 250v )14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQFrame - foldover at top.C610 ( 220u f )14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQFrame - int frame collapse/top crampingC608 ( 22u f )14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQHum on picture - varies with picture.Fit 22k in series with D402 if not fitted.14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQInt colourdelay gate pulse coil L506 faulty14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQInt frame collapse.Drys R607.14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQNo/Int loss of colour.L506 ( P No 2160831 )14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQSmall faint raster.C909 ( 220u f 160v )14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQSplutteringdry joints loptx earth pin14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQSqueal from chopper Tx at switch on.C909 ( 220u f 160v ) , Dry R702 , C912 , R905 , R90614-09-04
HitachiNP81CQStartup - no startup.DJ on pin 4 of T901.14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQSync - lack of frame & line sync.R723 ( 22k ) o/c.14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQThin white line travels up screendry joints M601 field o/p device14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQWhistling - from power supply.DJs on C912 , R905/6.14-09-04
HitachiNP81CQ Mk2Field lin - cramped at topC608 22µ 160v14-09-04
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