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Found: 901
HitachiC32W2TNPoor pic aft LOPTx replacement or reverts to stbyR807 560R on crt base14-09-04
HitachiC32W40TNDead - mains smoother stays chargedDry joints HT pot RV950 - must remove pcb to get at conns under runner14-09-04
HitachiC32W40TNLoss of some FTA chans & "Encrypted" showsEEPROM corrupt - erase by entering analogue auto tune - when it starts, sw to st/by. Set can now be auto tuned restoring all chans14-09-04
HitachiC32W510SN A7Cuts out intCheck earth links & reg heatsinks for dry joints14-09-04
HitachiC32W510SN A7Field faulty - jittery & lines below centre - tappableDry joints R602 & 3 connected to pin 5 IC601 (under glue & a plastic strut)14-09-04
HitachiC32W510SN-311Dead with st/by led pulsingIC4000 TDA7263M Audio o/p chip s/c14-09-04
HitachiC32WD2TNHT setting149v14-09-04
HitachiC32WD2TNTripping off at sw on - led glows dimlyTDA8350Q Field/E/W chip14-09-04
HitachiC32WD2TN2 A7TrippingCheck R807/8/9 on crt for burn up - if so CRT is duff (Philips) & crt base reqs replacement pt no A52711014-09-04
HitachiC32WF810Int reverts to st/byCheck osc pcb for dry joints (small sub panel near scarts)14-09-04

HitachiC32WF810NTrippingD604 s/c & replace FOP chip14-09-04
HitachiC32WF810N-311Tuner drift effectIC1200 TDA9320H sm chip faulty & upsetting tuners AGC14-09-04
HitachiC8QBalloooning pic on hi brightnessHT varies between 140-160v - R941 100k ?w hi res14-09-04
HitachiCL1409RNo colourR519 100R 1/2w not properly soldered to board14-09-04
HitachiCL1709Does not start up. Overvoltage protection circuit active.Check replace R951/39K R953/47K and D952 Zener.14-09-04
HitachiCL1709Does not start up. Overvoltage protection circuit active.Check replace R951/39K R953/47K and D952 Zener.14-09-04
HitachiCL2114Goes to stby immediately after switch on. +B with no load is 130V. Should be 115.Resistor 39K near +B adjustment pot has gone high to 48K. To troubleshoot, overvoltage thyristor near to LOPT may be pulled off the chassis. However be cautious with overvoltages!14-09-04
HitachiCL2114Goes to stby immediately after switch on. +B with no load is 130V. Should be 115.Resistor 39K near +B adjustment pot has gone high to 48K. To troubleshoot, overvoltage thyristor near to LOPT may be pulled off the chassis. However be cautious with overvoltages!14-09-04
HitachiCL2524RDeadReplace LOPTr BU2508AF, check R951, 952, 953, 954 &Q703 thy14-09-04
HitachiCL2524RLack of height with no adjTDA836214-09-04
HitachiCL2864TADead except for flasing red ledD704 BY228 on lop sub panel s/c14-09-04
HitachiCL2864TAHum on sound with pic instabilityReplace C916, C942 & C957 in psu14-09-04
HitachiCL2864TAPSU tripping - went off with a bangOverload on LOP caused by IC800 TEA5101A RGB o/p chip s/c14-09-04
HitachiCMT1459Won't start.D761 located near LOPT Sced.14-09-04
HitachiCMT2176GScreaming psu tho' worksReplace C910, C911 both 4,7u 160v. Voltage :111v14-09-04
HitachiCMT2700loss of field sync10µ cap on NTSC subpanel14-09-04
HitachiCNP192Colour intermittent.TR25 ( 2SA673 )14-09-04
HitachiCNP192Dist sound when heatedAudio o/p tr 2SC685A on power panel14-09-04
HitachiCNP192Picture shifted to side.C707 , R709 , C711 , C736.14-09-04
HitachiCNP300Col unlockedTA7193(A)P decoder chip14-09-04
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