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Found: 561
MitsubishiC37C1STXPic in pic in black & whiteQ608 JC501Q,R on main pcb s/c14-09-04
MitsubishiC37C1STXPurity intCRT faulty - loose shadowmask - replace crt - not a task to be taken lightly!14-09-04
MitsubishiC37C2STXDead with red LED flickerinmgC959 470µ 16v in reg cct faulty - at front of pcb14-09-04
MitsubishiCM21M5BTdeadQ901, R991, IC901, D909, C914 & Q552 replaced. A BU 508DF or BU2506DF works in place of BU2506DX Q55214-09-04
MitsubishiCP142Frame - jitter & intermittent roll.Q431 , Q432 ( 2SC711A )14-09-04
MitsubishiCP1424BVertical ringing on left hand side of screen.Poor earth connection to C905 ( 33uf ) in PSU.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT1447BMDeadIC901 STR44115, D906 (RG2) protection diode, R901 (4r7/7W) and C921 (47µF/50V).14-09-04
MitsubishiCT14MS1BMIntermittent field jitter .Dryjoint at R461.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT14MS1BMpic shifted to rightdry joint R527 near lopt14-09-04
MitsubishiCT14MS1TXWon't tune or store - pic blacks out when receiving RC commandIC702 X24C04P EEPROM14-09-04

MitsubishiCT14MV1 PhilipsDead - shuts down straight away when bringing out of st/by - prot cct activatedTo deactivate prot cct remove Plug 1923 on TV/LTB board. This gave 2" band across screen. Pin 8 FOP chip IC7510 low at 1.5v (11v). 32v line low at 11v - IC7331 reg TL431CLP faulty14-09-04
MitsubishiCT14MV1BDeadD6313-6 mains rects s/c, R3337 2R o/c, Tr7330 s/c, D6332 & D6337 s/c, IC7310 MC44603 also replaced & R3338 39R fusible o/c14-09-04
MitsubishiCT1525TXDead with squealLOPTr 2SD1877 leaky - no other fault found (ON sw on front)14-09-04
MitsubishiCT1525TXSt/by only - Q552 LOPTr 2SD1877 s/cCheck dry joints line dr trfmr & STR54041 IC90114-09-04
MitsubishiCT1535TXstuck in st/by - red light onlyReplace STR54041 - only works properly with Mitsi version14-09-04
MitsubishiCT15M1TXField collapse - partial or totalR563 0R82 o/c14-09-04
MitsubishiCT15M2TXInt offIC901 (STR54041) int14-09-04
MitsubishiCT15MS1TXLow sound aft being in st/byEPROM IC702 changed14-09-04
MitsubishiCT15MS1TXNo sound/pic all ht volts okIC702 X24C04 eeprom replaced14-09-04
MitsubishiCT15MS1TXSound but no picture. Brightness, contrast & colour all at minimum. Returning these settings to normal brings back the picture but they return to minimum if the set is switched off then back on.Replace faulty X24C04P EPROM (IC702). 14-09-04
MitsubishiCT186No luminance.Q231 ( 2SC2236 ) 12v reg.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2004BFrame - height varing.VR401 , IC401 ( HA11414 ) , F572 high.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2023BDead / int deadDry joints line dr tfmr & R58114-09-04
MitsubishiCT2027TXInt or no colour.D209 ( 1S2076 ) check by replacement.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2027TXSound - int or no sound.High res connection on IC351 holder.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2101Poor remote operation.Filter coil L992 replace with Mod type.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2101Smelly smoke.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2101TBlank raster & no sound.R178 o/c , or o/c print between R178 & Q241.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2101TXNo pic - no htrs crtR670 on crt base dry joints14-09-04
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