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Found: 561
MitsubishiEE3Lock up & memory problemsReplace C955, C702 & R3D68 also change value of R702, R213 & R214 to 1k ?w14-09-04
MitsubishiEE3long time to come onC955 2200µ for 11.5v supply14-09-04
MitsubishiEE3Low contrast, smeary, f back linesR686 on crt base (1k8)14-09-04
MitsubishiEE3 CT25AV1BDSHerringbone pattern, flashing lines etc with no pic for 5 minutes. Picture then slowly appearsC956 470uF 6.3V 14-09-04
MitsubishiEE3WService mode accessPress MENU, 2, 3, 5, 7 to access service mode, then press * (star key). Use 2 & 8 to navigate up and down the options, 4 & 6 to alter values. Press 0 (zero) to memorise new value & the info turns red to denote "saved". Finally go to standby to exit menu.14-09-04
MitsubishiEE4Dead or int dead - brief flash of green led at sw onDry joints opto isol PC95114-09-04
MitsubishiEE4Service mode accessingpress the service switch (s701, next to the aerial socket) and then button 9 within 5 seconds Press the * button to toggle between the VCJ or OPTION adjustment display. Press buttons 2 or 8 to increase or decrease the adjustment code number. Press buttons 6 or 4 to increase or decrease data value. After the adjustments, press 0 to write the adjustment data to the EEPROM.To cancel a change, press button 1 and all data adjusted since the last EEPROM write will be reset.TUN 0 Option settings for CT25AV1BS = SAT 1, AUD 10, ATS 1, STD 1, SYS 1, AV1 2, EEX -, SPK 1, EEP -, ABG 02, A1 02, AL 00, ADK 15, MNP 70, TXT -, FFT 1, VOL 74, HYP 1, SCP 20, FMP 2314-09-04
MitsubishiEE4Trips once at sw on - ok on dummy loadTEA5101B RGB o/p chip IC660 s/c14-09-04
MitsubishiEE4 (M5 models)To enter service modePress & release S701 next to aerial socket, then press "9" on hset within 5 secs. Buttons 2 & 8 select adj code, buttons 4 & 6 adj data value. Button 1 cancels written data, button 0 stores data into EEPROM see article TV Jan 99 for more details14-09-04
MitsubishiEE4 CT21M5BTReverts to st/by aft 15mins with a sqealHT was too high at 137V, due to R954 (120K in this set) going high14-09-04

MitsubishiEE4 CT25M5BTChopper Tr blows aft few daysReplace Q901 (chopper), R901 (4R7 10W), D909 (3V Zener) and change 220R resistor on the print side of the CRT PCB to 1K2 1/2 watt.14-09-04
MitsubishiEE4 CT25M5BTDead - blows chopper tr s/cmod, i.e. change the 220R res on print side of CRT base to 1K2 1/2watt,this apparantly prevents a surge from blowing the chopper at switch off14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 1Diagonal pattern of dots across screenR914 100R in psu snubber cct o/c14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Black lines , poor sync, no txt (until warm)C959, 962 100µ14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10DeadC905 470µ 25v14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Dead - Q901 chopper tr blows at sw onD909 3v zener s/c was the cause; also replaced R901 4R7 5w, IC901 TEA216414-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10dead psu runsseveral electrolytics in psu leak electrolyte onto plug PB causing o/cs14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Field jitter - intDry joint R46114-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Field lin faulty when coldGlue around pins of IC50114-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10HT lowQ953 JC501Q error amp14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10int dead (could be ok for days)Same on dummy load proving psu fault. Opto coupler driver tr Q953 was to blame. BC547 suitable replacement14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Int dead esp from coldC905 220µ, C906 47µ C912 4µ7 in psu14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Int loss of sound & picCheck vid I/p & o/p at AV sw chip IC2A2 M5132P - if no o/p either off air or scart this chip is sus; if o/p with scart but not off air sus Q2A2. If no pic but sound ok check Q10414-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Int sw on from coldC905 470µ 25v in start up cct14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Loses analogue memory when sw offThe -30v to IC702 memory chip low due to C962 100µ 50v14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10Loud whistle from psu - set operates ok otherwiseQ90214-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10No pic - OSG & sound okNo 5v reg supply to VIP & CCT chips as Z951 630mA cct prot o/c14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10No soundQ952 2SA950-Y leaky14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10No soundNo lt supply to audio chip - Q952 2SA950 o/c; BC640 used in lieu14-09-04
MitsubishiEuro 10No soundZ952 cct prot SOC2000 in psu o/c. When replaced sound ok thro' SCART but none at RF - no sound o/p from IF chip IC101 due to L301 det coil 14-09-04
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