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Found: 561
MitsubishiCT21M5 EE4Dead - blowing SOC2000 cct protMicroprocessor s/c +5v pin to chassis14-09-04
MitsubishiCT21M5 EE4No Txt or auto tune/storeeset options in eeprom from service mode14-09-04
MitsubishiCT21M5BFailure of Q552Order & fit AVM5KIT14-09-04
MitsubishiCT21M5BUnder very poor signal conditions "Herringbone" paFit specially screened RF lead between VCR & TV PtNo H24P00101014-09-04
MitsubishiCT21M5B CT25M5BTuning drift mainly at top end of bandAdd ( 180K ) & Diode ( IN4148 ) in series cathode of diode to 5V pin 6 Tuner & res to Tuning Voltage line pin 214-09-04
MitsubishiCT21M5BT EE4Int loss of pic - sound still presentInvisible dry joint IC650 TEA5101B RGB o/p chip on crt base14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2206Dead - HT present at LOPBig fusible resistor above LOP Tr sprung open - no other ff14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2206Frame height & poor line convergance intermitDJ on earth pin of convergence pot.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2206Frame -height reduced & poor line converganceDJ on earth pin of convergence pot.14-09-04

MitsubishiCT2206BSound - intermittent.DJ on A352/3 , VR371 ( tone )14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2206BTuning drift.Q7B5 ( 2SC711A )14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2207Frame bounce.C403.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2223BFIELD BOUNCE or collapseC412 C413 330mfd14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2227Dead - chan display & relay click onlyDry joints T57114-09-04
MitsubishiCT2227BMDead - int deadDry-joints on line driver transformer14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2227BMfield collapse with burning smellC412 330µ and C41314-09-04
MitsubishiCT2227BMNo sound or raster.R7A0 ( 1.2ohm ) o/c on remote panel.14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2227BMReduced height.Dry-joints on line driver transformer14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2227BMStandby - switching to standby.IC7A0 ( M50124P )14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2227MSt/by only - no relay opR7A0 1R2 1/2w 14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2230TXNO SOUNDR371 2R2 OC14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525Dark pic - long time to come onC906 100µ 50v leaky14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525Flyback lines at top of picC411 100µ near fop chip14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525Int dead esp when coldC906 47µ 25v, C905 220µ 25v, C912 4µ7 50v14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525Int various inc no start up, display/analogue settings intCheck electrolytics in psu esp C956, C959, C962, & C96414-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525No Sound/pic with int trip - HT lowZ951 630mA fuible link14-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525AV1BDE/W faultyL504 shorted turns - Pt no MITS409P74901014-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525TXNo start up after psu rebuildD908 o/c - used 1N414814-09-04
MitsubishiCT2525TXSt/by only - HT present but only 4v to 5v reg IC952C956 2200µ14-09-04
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