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Found: 238
SaloraSound missingCB133 22n o/c - pin 15 TDA4505 ICB101 & 6 Mhz filter14-09-04
Salora15L30Colour - one orimore primary colour missing.Con CF29 ( red ) , CF30 ( green ) , CF31 ( blue )14-09-04
Salora15L30No red or green or blueCF29 red clamp cap between 12v & pin 21 TDA3301B (or CF30/31 for green /blue)14-09-04
Salora15L37Dark or blanked out pic - low lumSignal at pin 34 TDA3301B low - PF01 preset 220R o/c14-09-04
Salora15L37Int loss of sound and vision.Check legs of CM39 for s/c to print.14-09-04
Salora16J20Purity - dark picture.Drys on upper connection of screening wall decoder.14-09-04
Salora1F3 1F3Frame roll when cold.Condensation on tripler.14-09-04
Salora1G5Grey scale ok but colours not correct.Adj chroma delay line balancing controls.14-09-04
Salora1HDead - int/trippingDry joint on CB529 ( 15nf , 1.2kv ) across BU500P14-09-04

Salora1H6 Ipsalo 1Going off tune.ICC9 ( CMOS4011 )14-09-04
Salora1H6 Ipsalo 1Line output transistor getting hot.Replace CB526 , CB527 , CB528 , CB529 , CB530 , CB535 , CB542.14-09-04
Salora1H6ADeadCheck R735 R 713, for o/c & c52914-09-04
Salora20L30White line across pic 2" from topAll supply volts low - LF0059 chopper chip HB60014-09-04
Salora20L30 LSound - intermittent no sound.DB606 s/c.14-09-04
Salora20L30 LWhite line across picture 2" from top.LF0059 thick-film chip HB600.14-09-04
Salora21M80/7 DigitalWidth - sudden increase.Width control no effect - BF422 ( TB528? )14-09-04
Salora21N6U Eurostereo 1Trips with high HTR748 100k monitoring volts supply hi res14-09-04
Salora21S5EE Euromono2No start up - all psu volts present & LED lightsOC44 (1000uF 16V), a good resorder on line drive circuit & 5C34 (470uF 16V) - 5C36 (220uF 35V) replaced14-09-04
Salora22J20No raster.RB503 ( 2.2k ) o/c , due to leaky DB503 & D506 ( BA159 )14-09-04
Salora22K30Startup - slow.CB604 ( 1 , 000uf , 16v )14-09-04
Salora22K37STANDBY ONLYCHECK S2000A , CAP CB50714-09-04
Salora24K77Reluctant startDry joints within pins 17 & 18 Ipsalo Trfmr - only visible when Tfrmr removed14-09-04
Salora24L57 LNO SOUNDCB133 22nF OC ON PIN 15 TDA450514-09-04
Salora25M87NO LINE SYNCRB545 390k OC14-09-04
Salora28E7SLine collapseCB 531 O/C, RB538 burnt & DB525 S/C causing LOPTx to go s/c14-09-04
Salora28E7SR/C limited rangeTBA 2800 +2 caps in IR Rx replaced 14-09-04
SaloraC59C27 KThick black horizontal bars from cold.C574 ( 100u f , 40v ) next to frame IC.14-09-04
SaloraFX Core 2Stuck in st/by all sec volts lowTEA2164 in psu replaced & HT now correct at 145v14-09-04
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