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Found: 238
SaloraHdeadDB705 1N4148 faulty14-09-04
SaloraHDead - faint whistle.Combi-transformer s/c turns.14-09-04
SaloraHdead - pulsing psu until chassis loweredDry joints CB529 15n 1.2kv flyback tuning cap14-09-04
SaloraHField top foldoverTDA1170S faulty14-09-04
SaloraHNo chan change or R/C functs400mA fuse o/c; 18v reg leaky; SAA1251 chip faulty14-09-04
SaloraHNo E-W correctionDry joints C530, R535 680R o/c, TB503 tr replacement cured fault tho checked ok out of cct14-09-04
SaloraHNo E-W correctionTB502 TIP47; RB535 680R; CB530 2n214-09-04
SaloraHSt/by onlySt/by tr TU2 BC307B s/c b-e, caused by lugs on scan coils shorting to main pcb when chassis lowered14-09-04
SaloraHWhistle - very faint whistle - set dead.Check for burn/s/c turns on combi-transformer.14-09-04
SaloraIpsalo II Ipsalo IDead.RB713 ( 22R , 7W ) o/c , TB700/1 2x ( BUW41A ) , CB532 330nf , 250v14-09-04

SaloraJBand across pic - varies with adj of RT503CB530 2n2 1kv14-09-04
SaloraJBlank white raster with fb linesT209 BC307B in s.castle pulse cct faulty, but repeated failure aft replacement (every week or 2). Found dry joint on screening panel top middle of pcb - sus this is reason for T209 failure14-09-04
SaloraJBright Green at min brightnessTB263 faulty14-09-04
SaloraJBrightness will not reduce to minDB201 1N4148 faulty14-09-04
SaloraJColour int4.43Mhz trimmer14-09-04
SaloraJdeadCB508 10µ 35v14-09-04
SaloraJdeadNo 8.5v - DB60314-09-04
SaloraJdeadCB513 2µ2 faulty; THB700 o/c; DB507 s/c14-09-04
SaloraJdeadDB507 1N4007 s/c14-09-04
SaloraJdeadRB713 22R 7w o/c; TB700/1 s/c, also replaced CB726, 712 4µ7 & CB51414-09-04
SaloraJdeadline pulse at pin 4 line osc chip DB712 o/c14-09-04
SaloraJdeadHTY only 28v; D507(near IPSALO Tfmr) dry joints and leaky - used RGP20M14-09-04
SaloraJDead - no +15v from loptxDB507 pin 12 loptx o/c (reads ok in cct)14-09-04
SaloraJDead - psu whistlesCB231 s/c (in RGB o/p stage)14-09-04
SaloraJDead though the power supply was trying - there waBY133 diode DB510 in the EW modulator circuit was leaky.14-09-04
SaloraJdead with slow trippingC513 2µ2 bulging and faulty14-09-04
SaloraJDead, chopper transistors Sced. When replaced, they were Sced again after 5 minutes. Pict. was shifted left.Change also DB725 diac. It was not short circuited, nor were any leaks detected.14-09-04
SaloraJDead, chopper transistors Sced. When replaced, they were Sced again after 5 minutes. Pict. was shifted left.Change also DB725 diac. It was not short circuited, nor were any leaks detected.14-09-04
SaloraJE/W faultyTB502 TIP29B faulty even tho it checked ok out of cct14-09-04
SaloraJExcessive height & green faces.Frame control RT400 noisy.14-09-04
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