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Found: 238
SaloraK seriesNo sound/vis - random chan changeICB1 SAA124414-09-04
SaloraK seriesNo start upC509 dry joints14-09-04
SaloraK seriesPic int blanks out (no lum)Check blanking Tr T9 BC547 or SN74LS74AN chip on Txt pcb14-09-04
SaloraK seriesPic sizes fluctuates aft 5 secsHB600 chopper control chip14-09-04
SaloraK seriesSound int goes offTDA450514-09-04
SaloraK seriesSt/by onlyS2000A lop tr leaky & CB507 15n5 1.5kv low cap14-09-04
SaloraK seriesSt/by onlyDBT705 BR10014-09-04
SaloraK seriesst/by onlyDB506 BY228 in EW Mod leaky14-09-04
SaloraK seriesThin black hor bars - improved as warmed upC574 100µ 40v in field timebase14-09-04
SaloraK seriesTrips out on chan change & IC501 fop chip has short lifeChoke L601 in lop stage had s/c turns14-09-04

SaloraK seriesTxt - no col driveCB216/217/218 100µ - pins 24/25/26 of ICB201 - should read 1.2v14-09-04
SaloraK seriesWidth lowHB60014-09-04
SaloraK seriesWouldn't switch on from coldCB604 1000µ in 8.5v supply14-09-04
SaloraK70Bright red raster - Intermittent.RH16 ( 33k ) goes o/c when hot.14-09-04
SaloraLBright spot in centre of screen onlyCB513 250n 400v scan coupling cap o/c14-09-04
SaloraLControls doing wrong things.Re tune/store SAA1293 , MDA2061. Plus see Tv mag Aug p71714-09-04
SaloraLdeadFuse FN01 2A o/c s/c across chopper tr TN01 caused by DN06 (BA159) used RGP10M in leiu14-09-04
SaloraLDead - faint whistle.Combi-transformer s/c turns.14-09-04
SaloraLDist soundAdj L102 cured but very critical - R121 3R9 o/c14-09-04
SaloraLE/W faultT4 TIP30 on sub panel overheating - C512 51nf o/c or could be dry jointed14-09-04
SaloraLInt start up with crackleDry joints C507 also check on/off switch14-09-04
SaloraLno pic sound okpin 26 lum/chrom proc = 2.5v (0v for tv receoption) Is dc connected to TPU2732 IC13 on dig module. TPU2732 faulty14-09-04
SaloraLShutdown - intermittently.Drys on transformer M600 , crack from pin 1 to D709.14-09-04
SaloraLStandby - going into standby.Drys on transformer M600 , crack from pin 1 to D709.14-09-04
SaloraL 50No start upC601 10µ63v14-09-04
SaloraL seriesArcing, pops & linesDry joints C512 & R60614-09-04
SaloraL seriesBlank raster & no soundCheck TDA 4505 ICB101 & CB117 22n14-09-04
SaloraL seriesBlank raster OK when Txt panel dis'dcheck continuity of wire links through panel & DPU2540 chip14-09-04
SaloraL seriesCan tune in chans but no storeMDA2062 memory chip14-09-04
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