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Found: 238
SaloraJWhistle - very faint whistle - set dead.Check for burn/s/c turns on combi-transformer.14-09-04
SaloraJ Ipsalo 2Stuck on channel.TC11 transistor on front unit reads Ok out of cct.14-09-04
SaloraJ20Sync - no line lock.RB514 ( 2.7M ) o/c.14-09-04
SaloraK2A mains fuse blownDegauss therm cause14-09-04
SaloraKBlack band across middle of screen when coldC574 100µ 40v14-09-04
SaloraKBlack lines & jumping on txtDPU2540 chip seems to cure this14-09-04
SaloraKBlank white raster until warm then top crampC574 100µ 40v 105 deg14-09-04
SaloraKBuzz on soundAdj LB102 for 2.7v. 0.1v on pin12 of ICB101 from cold14-09-04
SaloraKComes on then intermittently goes dead , working alCheck the mains on/off switch.14-09-04
SaloraKdeadHT at chopper; replace C604 1000µ, C615 2µ2 350v, C601 1µ 50v near thick film control chip14-09-04

SaloraKdeadCB711 0.022µ & DB706 BA15914-09-04
SaloraKDeadCB711 22nf integrating cap faulty14-09-04
SaloraKdead - has 2 faint dashes in display & psu whineAll secondary volts low Lop tr 13v on coll. Replaced CB601 1µ & CB604 1000µ (note wrongly marked on pcb) & IC500 TDA257914-09-04
SaloraKDead - psu noisyDB508 BY133G/BY228P faulty14-09-04
SaloraKdead - slight tripping soundHT at chopper - no HT at lop tr. C604 1000µ 25v14-09-04
SaloraKDead PSU not starting.Check CB11 0.22uF and DB706 BA159.14-09-04
SaloraKFaint dashes in display and whine onlyT541 BC557 above H600 module leaky b-c14-09-04
SaloraKField non linC576 1µ 50v14-09-04
SaloraKFrame chip has short life.Choke L601 in LTB s/c turns.14-09-04
SaloraKHeight & width twitching.Height control & or line phase control , LF0059 IC HB600.14-09-04
SaloraKInt dead - goes to st/byICB101 faulty14-09-04
SaloraKInt field collapsedry joints big cap by field chip14-09-04
SaloraKInt loss of pic (sound ok)int crt heater supply due to dry joints pin 9 lopt14-09-04
SaloraKint patterningTB101 BF199; CB120 1n or CB111 4n7 faulty14-09-04
SaloraKLow widthCheck HB60014-09-04
SaloraKNo colXTB201 xtal faulty14-09-04
SaloraKNo cold startC610 & C601 both fitted in pcb wrong way round (markings on pcb wrong)14-09-04
SaloraKNo E/W corr and excess widthLB50114-09-04
SaloraKNo pic/sound - flickers/crackles with diamond shape on screenHT low at 80v (120v); C610 2µ2 50v faulty14-09-04
SaloraKNo sound or picture - two bars on display.TB541 ( BC557 ) s/c.14-09-04
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