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Found: 238
SaloraMTo Store chansP, 0, 10+, >M14-09-04
SaloraMTo Store chansOption byte 1 - "1" sets bits 0 & 1 to ON (set comes on on chan 1) Option byte 2 - changes bit 4 from on to off and allows you to store chans 1 - 6 without password14-09-04
SaloraMWhines when comes on in st/by & int line pairingBlanket resolder & replace C523 220µ 25v, C571 100µ 40v, C622 470µ 16v, C642 220µ 25v14-09-04
SaloraMWhistles & pic disturbance intLF0070 dry joints14-09-04
SaloraM seriesBlank screen with whistle/howlS/C TDA2040 audio o/p chip 14-09-04
SaloraM seriesDeadS2000AF lop tr s/c - replace along with C523 470µ 25v, C571 220µ 40v, C622 & C624 220µ 25v14-09-04
SaloraM seriesDeadRB701 2R2 5w o/c, chopper tr TB701 BU603 s/c, 12v zener DB709 s/c due to CB705 680pf not soldered to pcb properly 14-09-04
SaloraM seriesDead - lop tr s/c - overheats when replacedCheck/replace RB532, 533, 535 & 536 all 1R in line driver stage. TB522 BC307, TB523 BC368 & TB524 BC369 & BS208 FET in EW cct14-09-04
SaloraM seriesDead - LOP tr s/c (TB525 2SD1577)Check for dry joints HF0070 HB701etc & C523, C624 220µ 16v, C622 470µ 16v, C707. Check for incorrect base volts on LOP tr. If so check TB523 BC368, TB524 BC369, TB522 BC307, 458 or 557 (use whatever was orig fitted) & TB521 BC237. If res 532, 535 & 533 are fitted should be 1R 1/8w - replace. (may use a single green 3R3 res).14-09-04
SaloraM seriesGrey scale poorCCU-SALO-7 replaced14-09-04

SaloraM seriesLack of heightRB575 1R in fop stage high res14-09-04
SaloraM seriesLine sync missingRB545 390k o/c14-09-04
SaloraM seriesNo pic apart from 2" horiz band TB526 BS208 FET tr in EW mod drive cct14-09-04
SaloraM seriesNo pic, sound & crt htrs okTB526 BS208 EW driver s/c14-09-04
SaloraM seriesNo sound/pic - display blankHT (150v) was low at 20v. DB525 BYV95C faulty14-09-04
SaloraM seriesRasping , tripping noise when sw out of st/byDB521 1N4148 in st/by cct leaky - next to crt heater conn14-09-04
SaloraM seriesSound low & distAPU2470S chip - proved with freezer14-09-04
SaloraM seriesSound vol varies & uncontrollableX2404P memory chip14-09-04
SaloraM seriesSt/by only2SD1577 lop tr leaky - make sure you fit correct replacement check C527 8n214-09-04
SaloraM seriesSt/by onlySB5v low - CB622 470µ 16v14-09-04
SaloraM seriesWhistling noise in st/byICB570 TDA8172 has s/c between +/- 13v supply lines14-09-04
SaloraM seriesWidth suddenly increasesTB528 BF42214-09-04
SaloraM1Dead - lop tr s/cwhen replaced pic shifted to left & tr overheats. DB528 BA157 o/c14-09-04
SaloraNBlows lop trCH08 0.027µ leaky14-09-04
SaloraNE/W faultDiode DH03 leaky - ran hot when replaced along with COH1 BD241D - CH09 0µ15 o/c14-09-04
SaloraNShort piv, E/W faulty, lack of lum, no sound - just hisscorrupt NVM Opt byte 1 050 (bits 1,4,5, set to 1), opt byte 2 025 (bits 0,3,4, set to 1), opt byte 3 001 (bit 0 set to 1)14-09-04
SaloraNwidth varies with pic content & no pin cush adjCH08 27nf 400v cap near lopt14-09-04
SaloraN series C59JZ5DeadCH19 680pf burnt up & destroyed S2000AF LOP tr14-09-04
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