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Found: 315
SanyoCBP3012Dead - no o/p from psuQ511 2SA608 s/c - now tripping as Q533 2SC536 faulty14-09-04
SanyoCBP3012HT low & no regulationQ553 2SC536 in error sensing leaky14-09-04
SanyoCBP3012 A3Bright raster with fback linesNo HT to RGB stage as R557 10R was o/c (in psu)14-09-04
SanyoCBP3012 A3DeadR502 3R9 6w o/c, Q513 chopper tr 2SD1710 s/c, Q553 2SC536 s/c, D515 PC1138 opto also replaced as a precaution, Q512 2SC3807 s/c (use correct replacement)14-09-04
SanyoCBP3012 A3Pic int blanks outDry joints Q241 2SA1015 in lum signal feed14-09-04
SanyoCBP3012 A3St/by only - HT present at LOP TrNo line drive - Q431 line dr tr no collector supply - Q551 2SB764 pnp s/c - used BC640 in lieu14-09-04
SanyoCBP3012 A3-A14Picture blanks out intermittentlyCheck for dryjoints at transistor Q241 ( 2SA1015 ) which is in the luminance signal feed between the LA7680 jungle chip and the14-09-04
SanyoCBP3012-10Slow start upR520/521 120k14-09-04
SanyoCBP3018Dead - LOPTr Q402 2SD1649/BU508AF s/c130v HT high at 180v as R555 47k o/c;check HT smoother & also check Q551 2SB764 in line drive (use BC640 in lieu)14-09-04

SanyoCBP5156No chan OSD, vol bar stops ? way across & no B in TxtDry joints IC001 SAA5246 Txt proc chip14-09-04
SanyoCBR2148Replacement of TDA4505M - NLAUse TDA4505E & change R136/121 to 470k & adj AFC as nec14-09-04
SanyoCBT2146Bright raster with fb linesR478 10R o/c14-09-04
SanyoCBT2146Corrugated vertsEHT lead conns14-09-04
SanyoCBT2146Int red picDry joints A602 on crt pcb14-09-04
SanyoCBT2146Lack of width & field foldover when heatedC310 0.047µ 50v14-09-04
SanyoCBT2146Pic fades aft sw ondry joints R47914-09-04
SanyoCBT2146Poor syncIC1011 SAA523014-09-04
SanyoCBT2146Txt corruptIC1031 SAA5240A14-09-04
SanyoCE21DN3BDead with led flashingR624 120k o/c also check R620 120k14-09-04
SanyoCE25BN2 EB4-A25No pic - HT only 125v (150v) - sound presentDiss any of secondary supplies corrects HT. When Q611 and Q612 and D617 in psu pri removed for testing & replaced cures fault!14-09-04
SanyoCE25DN5 (EB6a Chassis)To enter option modehold the F/OK button on the r/c and press the P -(down) on the tv. Highlight the desired option using the P +/_ button. Vol +/- to change option selected. To exit press the recall button.14-09-04
SanyoCE28FWN2Dead - 4A internal fuse o/cReplacement brought set to life - no other fault found14-09-04
SanyoCE28WN4EEPROM ProblemsThere is a mod for this set, part No B10H04NIC the micro doesn't get enough info on shutdown and reverts to default values, hence very big pic! Service mode is accessed by pressing the green button on the remote followed by prog down on the set.14-09-04
SanyoCE28WN4St/by only shortly after fitting B10H04NIC mod kitIC802 the PROM which is part of the kit was faulty14-09-04
SanyoCE28WN4 EB6AExcess width & no E/W after LOPTx replacementD469, C463 (10nF 50V) and Q462 (used a 2SD1207),C465 (33nF 50V) and D463 both s/c14-09-04
SanyoCE28WN4BExcess height & E-W faultyFit mod kit B10H04N1C or B10H04D0L if Dolby Pro Logic set14-09-04
SanyoCE28WN4BInt Cuts out with LED flashing (prot mode)To disable prot mode dis R648 - after a while crt heaters went out due to dry joint14-09-04
SanyoCE28WN4BSt/by only with LED flashingR620 120k hi res14-09-04
SanyoCE28WN5 EB6-ASound intcheck dry joints IC801 main micro sm14-09-04
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