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Found: 711
Sharp37GQ20No raster - sound presentIC1001 (?34 trade)14-09-04
Sharp37GQ20HField fault - pic shifted up with top distCheck C712 & 713 220µ 16v in psu14-09-04
Sharp37VT-24Reverts to st/by on bright scenesR626 1M2 in beam lim hi res14-09-04
Sharp37VT-24HSt/by aft 6 secsR626 1M2 in trip cct o/c14-09-04
Sharp37VT26HDead with st/by LED flashing - brief field coll noticedC509 1000µ 25v14-09-04
Sharp4BS-Blop tr blown replacement overheatsline drive incorrect. 5v supply at IC2801 low - IC751 KA7805PI faulty14-09-04
Sharp4BSAInt trip with front LED flashingD602 1N4936 in psu14-09-04
Sharp4BSA DV5161Hint. goes to stbyresolder blue tuning cap C610 near LOPTx14-09-04
Sharp4BSA DV5161Hunstable line output from cold, no teletextEEPROM IC1002 (CHIX1463CJHA), Q1010 BC338 o/c B-E, R604 3k3 0.33W o/c14-09-04
Sharp4BSCDead after initial HT supply riseIC600 forms part of trip cct. R645 1R 1W safety res o/c14-09-04

Sharp4BSCEHT dies away at sw onR465 1R o/c supply to field chip usually - 12v reg this time14-09-04
Sharp4BSCTrips int with burning smell - brief field coll noticedIC500 fop chip burnt, C506 100µ 25v faulty14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05Hblank raster, OSD okSMD Q400 2SC2412/BC848 s/c (video buffer transistor)14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05HDeadLop tr Q600 2SD1546 u/s. Line drive wfm at C607 cramped - Q606 2SC2412 sm leaky14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05HDead - LOPTr 2SD1546 failedReplacement only lasted days - IC800 MC44002P line drive pin 12 only 1v instead of 3v - chip faulty. Also check state of Q601 2SC2271 dr tr & Q606 pre driver tr14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05HDead - no line driveIC800 MC44002 jungle chip faulty14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05HDead with tickingLOPTr s/c due to dry joints scan coil plug14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05Hexcessive width with E-W errorL601 shorted turns (RCILP0104CEZZ)14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05HNo E-W corr aft replacing TDA8170 FOP chip, R645 & C506 for tripping offQ603 2SD1913S collector base leakage, and C603 4.7uF high ESR14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05HNo line aft repairing dry joints scan coil & LOPTr s/c LEDs sw between Red/Greenleaky s.m. transistor Q606 [2SC2412] in the line drive circuit.14-09-04
Sharp4BSC 66AS05Hstuck in stby, when brought out LED goes green, quick burst of EHT, then shuts down with LED redSMD Q606 2SC2412 leaky14-09-04
Sharp4BSC DV5940Hdead, LOPTr s/cQ600 2SD1546 s/c, SMD Q606 2SC2412 leaky, resolder scan coil plug14-09-04
Sharp4BSC DV5940Hstuck in stbyD600 1N4936 s/c, R645 1R 1W o/c on LOPTx pin 314-09-04
Sharp4BSC DV6632Hburst of EHT then shuts downIC500 TDA8170 s/c R645 1R 1W o/c14-09-04
Sharp4BSC DV6632Hframe foldover at the topC505 100uF 40V14-09-04
Sharp4BSC DV6632Hline pulling, bent verticalsC623 4.7uF 50V next to Q603 regulator14-09-04
Sharp4BSC DV6632Hrepeated failure of LOPTrresolder scan coil connections14-09-04
Sharp4BSC DV6632Hvery faint colour lines on the topC501 VCEAGA1HW107M, C506 VCEAGA1VW107M leaky14-09-04
Sharp51AM-12Gred raster with flyback lines then shuts offQ875 on crt base - measured ok out of cct14-09-04
Sharp51CSDeadC714 1000µ 10v slightly hi esr (0.8), R643 10R (22R?) looks burnt - replaced with 10R ?w14-09-04
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