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Found: 711
SharpEuro DS1blue screen onlysupply to IC250 pin 7 missing - C257 33µ 16v s/c & D250 2v1 zener o/c14-09-04
SharpEuro DS1off with faint whistlinglopt14-09-04
SharpEURO-DSfield collapseIC1402 NVM3060 can be corrupted - check location 7A should be 0014-09-04
SharpEURO-DSoff - no st/byC707 22µ 50v14-09-04
SharpS3Bflickering picBY299 D713 high fwd res14-09-04
SharpS3Blow contrast with flashesBF421 tr on crt base (auto grey scale)14-09-04
SharpS3Bno pic - rushing noise from spkr9.5v supply missing - R745 0R33 o/c14-09-04
SharpS3BQ603 lop tr 2SD1554 s/cevidence of overheating - check drive wfm - if low change D601, 603 & 607 1N400414-09-04
SharpS3B DV5131Hcoloured lines on topC712 100uF 35V14-09-04
SharpSV2142EDHi HT at 250v (115v)Crack in print by pins 1 & 4 of STRD544114-09-04

SharpSV2588HDead aft brief activity at sw onOveriding relay gave blank raster/no sound - D712 & D713 dry joints14-09-04
SharpSV2589For PSU problems.Resolder diodes attached to PSU heatsink.14-09-04
SharpSV2589Red tint at top of pic & slight vert jitterC636 330µ dy joints14-09-04
SharpSV287XHBlank raster/no sound - OSD present (RF & Scart)Switching [video and audio] is performed by IC401 [M51321P] a three gang three way device. pin 15 of the IC works on a tristate level. With the IC supply being 12V: 0 - 2.5V Input from BNC; 5 - 7V Input from scart ;9 - 12V Input from tuner. Diode D419 [DX00458M] which links to the wiper of the AGC preset was leaky, limiting the voltage on pin 15 to 7V and thus preventing tuner mode selection. Replace D419 with an IN4148 14-09-04
SharpSV287XHSt/by only at sw on with burning smellR518 2R2 smokes due to fop chip IC501 LA7831 faulty - caused by C521 & 522 100µ 35v o/c14-09-04
SharpVT-2198Bunable to reduce vol to min - OSD OKR1090 12k 0.25w on daughter pcb14-09-04
SharpVT3700No sound/pic - tape stuck inR761 1R fusible o/c, Zener D757 15v s/c, L752 o/c & check ck caps in psu14-09-04
SharpVT3700HOff tune on timer recsVT supply to tuner rises when tV in st/by - IC005 33v stab RH-IZ0249CEZZJ14-09-04
SharpVT3700HSt/by onlyL752 burnt up - replace all smis in the line concerned14-09-04
SharpVT3700HWon't tune.IC1005 , R760 IC1005 Sharp RH-IX0249CEZZ R760 220ohm , Sharp VRG-RF2EB221J14-09-04
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