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Found: 711
Sharp66GF63HDead with D735 (EX0875 or BZW104) s/cReplace PSU opto - kit available but without D73514-09-04
Sharp66GF63HDead with psu clickingCheck LOPTr & fit 3 x opto coupler kits (1 psu, 2 data)14-09-04
Sharp66GF63HSound - crackling/int missing - no vol bar movementDry joints small audio sub pane14-09-04
Sharp66GF64HBlows LOPTr & C720 at sw on from coldic 705 & d735 pt no.s rh-fx0110bmzz & rh-exo875bmzz (available from CHS)14-09-04
Sharp66GS62H GA10E/W poor & pic breathingD624 SMD HDX00551BMZZ.14-09-04
Sharp66W53Failure of Q601 & Q506Dry joints C613, change R610 safety, L603 coil rcilp0286bmzz, line tr Q506 e/w tr rh-tx0144bmzz14-09-04
sharp70ASLine transistor goes S/C after short timeR619 + R620 (39R), L600, L602, L603, C617, C618 + at Q606 has to be > 2 V pp check also IC 80014-09-04
Sharp70ASQ 600- line transistor S/Cbad soldered joints at the PCB on deflection coil14-09-04
Sharp70ES03SDead - B+ volts okreplace R613 & C613 680nF 250V leaky (cause c613 dry jointed14-09-04
Sharp76DW18H CW100blank screen, sound ok. 2 fuses F601 and F602 near LOPT o/c.R611 1R 0.5W in +40V supply o/c, F601, F602 2.5A o/c (near LOPTx), SMD Q509 2SB1561 s/c D503 1N4148 s/c (near connector to frame coils) To prevent reocurrence, add 47V zener across +40v, fit in position R626 rear of PCB. In later models this zener is already fitted.14-09-04

Sharp76FW-53HNo pic - sound okWhen A1 advanced, blank raster with bottom foldover - Q503 IRFR010TM flyback FET leaky pt no RH-TX0172BMZZ. If no pic check pin 11 IC801for 50Hz pulse 4v peak, if missing then FOP fault14-09-04
Sharp76FW-53H DA50WSnowy picTuner TH201 pt no RTUNH0123BMZZ14-09-04
Sharp76FW-53H DA50WWhite line down middle (line coll)C620 overheated & o/c due to C613 dry joints & R613 overheated14-09-04
Sharp8PSRChirps & sw to st/by at sw onIC801 line osc supply pin low at 3v. R679 100k o/c14-09-04
Sharp8PSRInt dead then deadDry joints & C723 3µ3 non pol cap14-09-04
SharpBCTV-AE-W distIC50014-09-04
SharpBCTV-Ano pic - smell of burningR619 & 632 cooking due to C619 s/c14-09-04
SharpBCTV-ANo/int FM mono,NICAM or scart sound,whistlingNV memory reqs reprog - data from Sharp, WVE - not in serv man14-09-04
SharpBCTV-A DV6635HDead with burning smellC706 1n 2kv burnt14-09-04
SharpBCTV-A DV6635HE/W dist & onlt top half of field scanL604 15µ melted due to C607 0µ56 250v low cap14-09-04
SharpBCTV-A DV6635HE/W faultyTDA3850 field/EW o/p chip14-09-04
SharpBCTVA 66AS06HTripping, LOPTr s/c & R619/632 burntReplace faulty comps & C619 0µ5614-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5932Hat switch on reverts back to stbyC725 220uF10V, C729 470uF 16V14-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5932Hdead or trippingTDA8350Q s/c, C627 1nF 2kV leaky14-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5932HE-W errorreplace frame IC and 36V zener (s/c)14-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5932HOk from cold, then pic starts to flashIC500 TDA830Q14-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5932Hpic moved to top, E-W distortionL604 shorted turns (RCILP0104CEZZ)14-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5935Hdead, LOPTr s/cC712 100uF 50V, L700 VPCF3R3K0000-1, R715/R734 0.56R 2W (VRN-VV3DBR56J), IC700 MC44602 (RHIX1487BMZZ), Q705 2SD1546, Q600 2SD1546, D718 1N4732 (RHEX0487BMZZ)14-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5935Hstuck in stbyLOPTr Q600 2SD1546, C619 (marked C617) 0.56uF 250V swollen (RC-FZ6564BMNJ), R619/R632 39R 0.5W burnt. Check pin 11 of IC500, if s/c replace IC500 TDA8350Q (RHIX1471BMZZ)14-09-04
SharpBCTVA DV5935Htakes about 10 presses to switch onR721 5R6 gone high14-09-04
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