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Found: 711
SharpCA10 66ES03HDead LOPTr s/cDry joint C613 check/resolder line scan coil conns14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03Hdead, neon light onR713, R714 560k start up resistors o/c14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03Hdead, no line drive and smell of burningno 8V supply, D712 1N4935 s/c14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03HField - only half a scanCheck FOP Trs Q501 & 502 sm FET types TX00171BMZZ & TX00172BMZZ also cprot F601 2.5mA14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03HField faultyCheck F601 & F60214-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03HLack of width & LOPTx runs hotC608 low cap14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03HLocked up - no response from front controls or R/CR704 / R705 both 68k 1 W14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03HRemote & front controls inopR704 R705 68k (at the front of the pcb)14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03HRinging/noises from psu after component replacement following dry joint C613replace both new bc338/40 with Sharp versions 14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES03HSt/by onlyR704/705 or R713/71414-09-04

SharpCA10 66ES03HSt/by onlyR713 / R714 both 560k 0.5W14-09-04
SharpCA10 66ES05HSt/by onlyR713 680k o/c14-09-04
SharpCA100 76FW54HNICAM LED on, icon on screen channel display says 'MONO' (no stereo)corrupted EEPROM. Replace IC1003 and IC1004 together, part no RHIX1603BMZZ14-09-04
SharpCSDead - line o/p tr BUH515 s/cCaused by dry joints scan coil conn - must use BUH515 as replacement14-09-04
SharpCSDead - lop tr overheatingD609 1N4933 leaky although checked ok14-09-04
SharpCSDead & int loss of pri colsLoads of dry joints; BUH515 lop tr u/s. RGB o/p trs int & Q707 BC338-40 5v sub reg tr int o/c14-09-04
SharpCSDist sound from 1 chanReplace sm zeners 27v or 24v across I/p to audio o/p trs & trs themselves for reliability14-09-04
SharpCSLOP tr failureFit kit 51 or 59CSCHASSISKIT depending on crt size14-09-04
SharpCSNo line driveTDA8374B sm chip IC201 faulty - caused by arcing loptx14-09-04
SharpCSPSU blow up etcD609 & 610 are the cause - fit kit 59CSCHASSISKIT also check R707 & 720 in psu also change C604 to 330µ 10v, R638 & 641 to 390R 2W. Check for dry joints scan coil plug on yoke - can cause Q601 go s/c & line drive chip IC201 go u/s. Check chip by measuring across R611 - if low at 15-28R instead of 820R chip is faulty.14-09-04
SharpCSslow to come on from coldC714 1000µ 16v 5v stby reervoir supply14-09-04
SharpCSSound o/p noisyC369 coupling cap in right chan14-09-04
SharpCSTop half of pic missingD501/502 18v zeners sm in I/p to fop trs14-09-04
SharpCSno line driveC714 100µ 16v14-09-04
SharpCS 51CS03HLong time to come on or reverts to st/byC714 1000µ 10v & check for dry joints14-09-04
SharpCS 59/66CS03Hat loud bass sound goes to stby (same on RF or SCART)sat and cable sound input levels sometimes too high and fool TV into protection mode. No cure, advice customer to reduce volume (ref. Sharp-technical)14-09-04
SharpCS 59/66CS03Hbright white raster with flyback linesSMD D618 near LOPTx o/c (RHEX0542BMZZ)14-09-04
SharpCS 59/66CS03HdeadSound output stage s/c. repalce Q311(RHTX0147BMZZ), Q312 RHTX0148BMZZ), D308 (RHDX0503BMZZ) and check for DJs on heatsinks.14-09-04
SharpCS 59/66CS03Hdeadblue disc cap C601 8200pF 2kV s/c (located under D605 on the print side)14-09-04
SharpCS 59/66CS03Hdead, LOPTr s/creplace LOPTr BUH515, R604 39R (burnt), C606 680nF 250V (leaky)14-09-04
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