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Found: 711
Sharp56FW53HDead - LOPTr s/cFit new BUH515, check for dry joints C613 & C607 330µ 10v hi esr14-09-04
Sharp56FW53HLines of R, G & B at top of screen & pin cush dist at topNeed to set up NVM values for specific crt type obtained from Sharp Tech bulletins. Also may need to alter geometry settings in service mode.14-09-04
Sharp56FW53HNo audioIC302 (TDA7480) l/h audio o/p Ic (about 8ukp from Seme) and two chokes connected to it L315/L316 (3.3microH) (about 1.50ukp packet of 5 from Farnell) were burnt to a crisp.After replacement I still had no l/h audio, found Q306 (2SC2412 sm) s/c in the +5v feed to the Ic (I used a BC847)14-09-04
Sharp56FW53HService mode accessSwitch on with vol down & Ch up buttons pressed. The ch up/down & vol up/down buttons on the handset are used to alter values & each setting must be stored by pressing St/by14-09-04
Sharp59CS-D8HVarious inc slow start up, Txt int appears, buzz on soundC714 1000µ 16v in 5v supply14-09-04
Sharp59CS03HAudio noise - intQ305/30614-09-04
Sharp59CS03HDeadTDA8375A IF/video proc/tbase chip faulty IC201 (low res between pin 56 & Chassis)14-09-04
Sharp59CS03HDead & whistlingQ306 2SA1797Q sm audio amp s/c - also check Q306, D301/2, D305 1N4933 & check for dry joints back of scan coil pcb14-09-04
Sharp59CS03HField lin creeps up at bottomQ707 C33840 = BC338-4014-09-04
Sharp59CS03HNo / int field collapseResolder L501 ( joints on body )14-09-04

Sharp59CS03HNo BlueB drive was et to zero in service menu (vol down/chan up whilst sw on)14-09-04
Sharp59CS03HNo sound - headphone ok22R 0.5w safety res on 40v rail from loptx o/c14-09-04
Sharp59CS03HNo Txt or OSDHad fallen to zero in user menu - possibly by flash over? - sorry, no instructs here - try user 14-09-04
Sharp59CS03H CSDead - psu dead (give up now!)Chopper MOSFET s/c, R706, D718, 2 x BC338 got psu working on dummy load - LOP Tr s/c, D601 1N4935 in 13v supply s/c, now have pin cush dist - D619/621 s/c14-09-04
Sharp59CS05HCRT low emission fault with poor focusCheck R618 2k214-09-04
Sharp59CS05HSlow start upC714, 713 & check for dry joints14-09-04
Sharp5BS-AField scan reduced with cramping top/bottomCheck- C712 220µ, C713 1000µ, Q502 BD825, Q504 BD828, Q509 BC635, Q510 BC338, D501 1N414814-09-04
Sharp5BS-Aint snowy - when tappedSF201 SAWF 14-09-04
Sharp5BSABlank raster with fb lines (sound ok)D1002 near r/c rx - 1N4148 ok14-09-04
Sharp5BSADead - LED pulses red5VB o/p low - Q708 BC338-40 & D715 5v1zener14-09-04
Sharp5BSADead - s/c across lop trLOPTx faulty - orig replacement also faulty14-09-04
Sharp5BSAField scan reducedC713 1000µ 16v faulty14-09-04
Sharp5BSAIncorrect line freqcheck supply to IC801 MC44007 - if low check caps in psu - C713 1000µ 16v, C712 220µ 16v, C714 470µ 10v, C716 100µ 16v, C719 470µ 35v & C604 / C622 220µ 10v in line dr14-09-04
Sharp5BSAInt dead then perm deaddry joints, R611 3k3 ?w was 2k5, no line drive - no 5v to IC801pin 35. Q708 BC338-40 reg o/c14-09-04
Sharp5BSANo sigs - searches but won't storeAFT switched off in service mode14-09-04
Sharp5BSANo sound/pic & all o/p volts a third downQ509/510 in fop s/c14-09-04
Sharp5BSANo TxtQ806 sm 2SC2412 - feeds CVBS sig to pin 30 micro IC100114-09-04
Sharp5BSAslightly off tunereprog afc - loc OD - set data to 9F - how to access prog mode??14-09-04
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