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IBMSF20-8138-0 IBM Study Organization Plan IBM generalInfo SF20-8138-0_IBM_Study_O
IBMSF20-8150-0 Basic System Study Guide 196 IBM generalInfo SF20-8150-0_Basic_Syste

IBMSH20-0634-1 IMS 360 Program Description IBM 360 ims SH20-0634-1_IMS_360_Program
IBMSH20-0635-1 IMS Operation Vol 1 jul70 IBM 360 ims SH20-0635-1_IMS_Operation_V
IBMSH20-0636-1 IMS Operation Vol 2 jul70 IBM 360 ims SH20-0636-1_IMS_Operation_V
IBMSH20-0906-0 APL 360-OS and APL 360-DOS U IBM apl SH20-0906-0_APL_360-OS_and_APL_
IBMSH20-0911-4 IMS-360 Version 2 System Pro IBM 360 ims SH20-0911-4_IMS-360_Version
IBMSH20-0930-0 1130 COBOL Programmed Instru IBM 1130 lang SH20-0930-0_1130_COBOL_Pr
IBMSH20-0930-0 1130 COBOL Programmed Instru IBM 1130 lang SH20-0930-0_1130_COBOL_Pr
IBMSH20-1043-4 CICS System Programmers Refe IBM 370 CICS SH20-1043-4_CICS_System_Pr
IBMSH20-1043-5 CICS System Programmers Refe IBM 370 CICS SH20-1043-5_CICS_System_Pr
IBMSH20-1044-3 CICS Terminal Operators Guid IBM 370 CICS SH20-1044-3_CICS_Terminal_
IBMSH20-1047-4 CICS Application Programmers IBM 370 CICS SH20-1047-4_CICS_Applicati
IBMSH20-1048-2 CICS Operations Guide Dec72 IBM 370 CICS SH20-1048-2_CICS_Operation
IBMSH20-1114-0 SCRIPT 370 Text Processing F IBM 370 CMS SH20-1114-0_SCRIPT_370_Text
IBMSH20-1460-1 APL Shared Variables Users G IBM apl SH20-1460-1_APL_Shared_Variable
IBMSH20-1857-0 SCRIPT 370 Version 3 Users G IBM 370 CMS SH20-1857-0_SCRIPT_370_Vers
IBMSH20-1922-0 VM CMS EXEC Language Extensi IBM 370 CMS SH20-1922-0_VM_CMS_EXEC_Lan
IBMSH20-1965-0 Display Editing System for C IBM 370 CMS SH20-1965-0_Display_Editing
IBMSH20-2409-0 Structured Programming Facil IBM 370 ISPF SH20-2409-0_Structured_Pro
IBMSH20-2486-0 IPF VSE Reference Rel 4.0 Se IBM 370 IPF_VSE SH20-2486-0_IPF_VSE_Ref
IBMSH20-4083-0 VSE Interactive Productivity IBM 370 IPF_VSE SH20-4083-0_VSE_Interac
IBMSH20-5526-0 IPF VSE Users Guide Rel 4.0 IBM 370 IPF_VSE SH20-5526-0_IPF_VSE_Use
IBMSH20-6168-1 VS PASCAL Dec81 IBM 370 pascal SH20-6168-1_VS_PASCAL_De
IBMSH20-7299-0 IBM DisplayWrite 5 2 Getting IBM pc apps SH20-7299-0_IBM_DisplayWrit
IBMSH20-7300-0 IBM DisplayWrite 5 2 Referen IBM pc apps SH20-7300-0_IBM_DisplayWrit
IBMSH20-7303-0 IBM DisplayWrite 5 2 Technic IBM pc apps SH20-7303-0_IBM_DisplayWrit
IBMSH20-9002-2 CICS VS System Application D IBM 370 CICS_VS SH20-9002-2_CICS_VS_Sys
IBMSH20-9003-2 CICS VS Appication Programme IBM 370 CICS_VS SH20-9003-2_CICS_VS_App
IBMSH20-9025-5 IMS VS V1R1.4 System Applica IBM 370 ims_vs SH20-9025-5_IMS_VS_V1R1.
IBMSH20-9026-8 IMS VS Version 1 Application IBM 370 ims_vs SH20-9026-8_IMS_VS_Versi
IBMSH20-9065-0 VS APL Installation Referenc IBM apl SH20-9065-0_VS_APL_Installation

IBMSH20-9065-1 VS APL Installation Referenc IBM apl SH20-9065-1_VS_APL_Installation
IBMSH20-9145-0 IMS VS Version 1 Primer Sep7 IBM 370 ims_vs SH20-9145-0_IMS_VS_Versi
IBMSH20-9161-0 Document Composition Facilit IBM 370 DCF SH20-9161-0_Document_Compos
IBMSH20-9161-3 Document Composition Facilit IBM 370 DCF SH20-9161-3_Document_Compos
IBMSH20-9186-06 Document Composition Facili IBM 370 DCF SH20-9186-06_Document_Compo
IBMSH20-9229-1 An Introduction to APL 2 Dec IBM apl SH20-9229-1_An_Introduction_to_
IBMSH21-0432-0 IBM DisplayWrite 5 2 Compose IBM pc apps SH21-0432-0_IBM_DisplayWrit
IBMSH21-0433-0 IBM DisplayWrite 5 2 Compose IBM pc apps SH21-0433-0_IBM_DisplayWrit
IBMSH21-0434-0_IBM_DisplayWrite_5_2_Compose IBM pc apps SH21-0434-0_IBM_DisplayWrit
IBMSH21-0464-0 IBM DisplayWrite 5 2 Compose IBM pc apps SH21-0464-0_IBM_DisplayWrit
IBMSH24-5005-2 Remote Spooling Communicatio IBM 370 RSCS SH24-5005-2_Remote_Spoolin
IBMSH35-0050-2 Document Composition Facilit IBM 370 DCF SH35-0050-2_Document_Compos
IBMSH35-0069-3 Document Composition Facilit IBM 370 DCF SH35-0069-3_Document_Compos
IBMSHARE PgmCatalog Jan77 IBM share SHARE_PgmCatalog_Jan77.pdf
IBMSherman-ProgrammingThe7090 IBM 7090 Sherman-ProgrammingThe7090.pdf
IBMSJ-2 Core Storage IBM 1130 fe SJ-2_Core_Storage.pdf
IBMSJ-4 Core Storage IBM 1130 fe SJ-4_Core_Storage.pdf
IBMSL23-0032-1_5280_COBOL_Programmers_Guide IBM 528x SL23-0032-1_5280_COBOL_Program

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