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IBMGC28-1151-4 MVS EA System Macros and Fac IBM 370 MVS_EA GC28-1151-4_MVS_EA_Syste
IBMGC28-1154-2 MVS EA Supervisor Services a IBM 370 MVS_EA GC28-1154-2_MVS_EA_Super

IBMGC28-1154-3 MVS EA Supervisor Services a IBM 370 MVS_EA GC28-1154-3_MVS_EA_Super
IBMGC28-1158-1 MVS EA System Programming 31 IBM 370 MVS_EA GC28-1158-1_MVS_EA_Syste
IBMGC28-1300-2 MVS JCL Dec84 IBM 370 MVS GC28-1300-2_MVS_JCL_Dec84.p
IBMGC28-1349-1 MVS 370 JCL Users Guide Dec8 IBM 370 MVS GC28-1349-1_MVS_370_JCL_Use
IBMGC28-1351-0 MVS EA JCL Users Guide May85 IBM 370 MVS_EA GC28-1351-0_MVS_EA_JCL_U
IBMGC28-1352-0 MVS EA JCL Reference Jul85 IBM 370 MVS_EA GC28-1352-0_MVS_EA_JCL_R
IBMGC28-1352-1 MVS EA JCL Reference Dec85 IBM 370 MVS_EA GC28-1352-1_MVS_EA_JCL_R
IBMGC28-1374-1 MVS 370 Message Library Syst IBM 370 MVS GC28-1374-1_MVS_370_Message
IBMGC28-1375-1 MVS 370 Message Library Syst IBM 370 MVS GC28-1375-1_MVS_370_Message
IBMGC28-1817-1 MVS ESA Configuration Progra IBM 370 MVS_ESA GC28-1817-1_MVS_ESA_Con
IBMGC28-2000-5 Time Sharing System Assemble IBM 360 tss GC28-2000-5_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2001-9 Time Sharing System Command IBM 360 tss GC28-2001-9_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2003-6 Time Sharing System Concepts IBM 360 tss GC28-2003-6_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2004-6 Time Sharing System Assemble IBM 360 tss GC28-2004-6_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2005-4 Time Sharing System Linkage IBM 360 tss GC28-2005-4_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2006-1 Time Sharing Support System IBM 360 tss GC28-2006-1_Time_Sharing_Su
IBMGC28-2007-4 Time Sharing System FORTRAN IBM 360 tss GC28-2007-4_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2008-5 Time Sharing System System P IBM 360 tss GC28-2008-5_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2010-7 Time Sharing System System G IBM 360 tss GC28-2010-7_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2017-5 Time Sharing System Terminal IBM 360 tss GC28-2017-5_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2023-3 Time Sharing System Master I IBM 360 tss GC28-2023-3_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2024-4 Time Sharing System Managers IBM 360 tss GC28-2024-4_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2025-4 Time Sharing System FORTRAN IBM 360 tss GC28-2025-4_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2026-4 Time Sharing System FORTRAN IBM 360 tss GC28-2026-4_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2028-0 Time Sharing System Test and IBM 360 tss GC28-2028-0_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2032-6_Time_Sharing_System_Assemble IBM 360 tss GC28-2032-6_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2033-8 Time Sharing System Operator IBM 360 tss GC28-2033-8_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2034-1 Time Sharing System Multiter IBM 360 tss GC28-2034-1_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2035-0 Time Sharing System Support IBM 360 tss GC28-2035-0_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2037-7 Time Sharing System System M IBM 360 tss GC28-2037-7_Time_Sharing_Sy

IBMGC28-2038-5 Time Sharing System Independ IBM 360 tss GC28-2038-5_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2043-12 Time Sharing System Addendu IBM 360 tss GC28-2043-12_Time_Sharing_S
IBMGC28-2044-0 Time Sharing System Planning IBM 360 tss GC28-2044-0_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2045-1 Time Sharing System PLI Lang IBM 360 tss GC28-2045-1_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2046-1 Time Sharing System PLI Libr IBM 360 tss GC28-2046-1_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2048-4 Introducing TSS 360 A Primer IBM 360 tss GC28-2048-4_Introducing_TSS
IBMGC28-2049-1 Time Sharing System PLI Prog IBM 360 tss GC28-2049-1_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2050-0 Time Sharing System Planning IBM 360 tss GC28-2050-0_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2056-2 Time Sharing System Data Man IBM 360 tss GC28-2056-2_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-2057-1 Time Sharing System Remote J IBM 360 tss GC28-2057-1_Time_Sharing_Sy
IBMGC28-6392-4 MAP Dec66 IBM 7090 GC28-6392-4_MAP_Dec66.pdf
IBMGC28-6393-2 ibjobDbgPkg IBM 7090 GC28-6393-2_ibjobDbgPkg.pdf
IBMGC28-6394-6 IBM DOS Full American Nation IBM 370 DOS_VS cobol GC28-6394-6_IBM_DO
IBMGC28-6396-5 IBM OS Full American Nationa IBM 360 os cobol GC28-6396-5_IBM_OS_Ful
IBMGC28-6396-6 IBM OS Full American Nationa IBM 360 os cobol GC28-6396-6_IBM_OS_Ful
IBMGC28-6398-1 DOS American National Standa IBM 360 dos cobol GC28-6398-1_DOS_Ameri
IBMGC28-6398-3 DOS Full American Standard C IBM 360 dos cobol GC28-6398-3_DOS_Full_
IBMGC28-6399-2 COBOL Compiler and Library V IBM 360 os cobol GC28-6399-2_COBOL_Comp

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