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IBMH20-0214-0 1401 dataAnalSys IBM 140x H20-0214-0_1401_dataAnalSys.pd
IBMH20-0221-2 1130 Commercial Subroutine Pa IBM 1130 subroutines H20-0221-2_1130_Co
IBMH20-0225-0 1130 Scientific Subroutine Pa IBM 1130 subroutines H20-0225-0_1130_Sc
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IBMH20-0228-0 1440 AdmTrmSys IBM 140x H20-0228-0_1440_AdmTrmSys.pdf
IBMH20-0235-0 1130 Data Presentation System IBM 1130 program_libr H20-0235-0_1130_D
IBMH20-0238-0 1130 Linear Programming IBM 1130 program_libr H20-0238-0_1130_L
IBMH20-0241-2 1130 Commercial Subroutine Pa IBM 1130 subroutines H20-0241-2_1130_Co
IBMH20-0241-3 Commercial Subroutine Package IBM 1130 subroutines H20-0241-3_Commerc
IBMH20-0241-3_1130_Commercial_Subroutine_Pa IBM 1130 subroutines H20-0241-3_1130_Co
IBMH20-0333-1 1130 Statistical System Users IBM 1130 program_libr H20-0333-1_1130_S
IBMH20-0333-1 1130 Statistical System Users IBM 1130 statisticalSystem H20-0333-1_1
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IBMH20-0471-1 System 360 Inventory Control IBM 360 application H20-0471-1_System_3
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IBMH20-0686-0 APL 360-DOS System Generation IBM apl H20-0686-0_APL_360-DOS_System_G
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