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IBMC20-1647-0 360-67 TSS Tech IBM 360 tss C20-1647-0_360-67_TSS_Tech.
IBMC20-1648-1 Elements of Run Time 1966 IBM generalInfo C20-1648-1_Elements_of_

IBMC20-1649-3 DASD studentText IBM 360 training C20-1649-3_DASD_studen
IBMC20-1663-0 System 360 Operating System U IBM 360 os R01-08 C20-1663-0_System_360
IBMC20-1688-1 2260 Operator Manual Jul68 IBM 2260 C20-1688-1_2260_Operator_Manua
IBMC20-1690-0 1130 Computing System Users G IBM 1130 C20-1690-0_1130_Computing_Syst
IBMC20-1697-0 APL 1130 Primer 1968 IBM 1130 lang C20-1697-0_APL_1130_Prime
IBMC20-1697-0 APL 1130 Primer 1968 IBM apl C20-1697-0_APL_1130_Primer_1968
IBMC20-1702-0 APL 360 Primer 1969 IBM apl C20-1702-0_APL_360_Primer_1969.
IBMC20-6503-0 BAL Feb65 IBM 360 bos_bps C20-6503-0_BAL_Feb65.pd
IBMC20-8008-0 Flowcharting Ref Man Sep59 IBM generalInfo C20-8008-0_Flowcharting
IBMC20-8011 Random Number Generation and Te IBM generalInfo C20-8011_Random_Number_
IBMC20-8060 Document and Accounting Control IBM generalInfo C20-8060_Document_and_A
IBMC20-8062 Index Organization for Informat IBM generalInfo C20-8062_Index_Organiza
IBMC20-8078 Form and Card Design 1961 IBM generalInfo C20-8078_Form_and_Card_
IBMC20-8090 Catalog of Programs for IBM Dat IBM pgmCatalog C20-8090_Catalog_of_Prog
IBMC20-8152 Flowcharting Techniques IBM generalInfo C20-8152_Flowcharting_T
IBMC209 Series 1 DDP at Watchtower IBM share SHARE_61_Proceedings_Volume_1
IBMC21-5002-0 1130 Planning For RPG 1968 IBM 1130 lang C21-5002-0_1130_Planning_
IBMC21-5002-1 1130 RPG Language 1968 IBM 1130 lang C21-5002-1_1130_RPG_Langu
IBMC22-6531 7030xasm-sim 1960 IBM 7030 C22-6531_7030xasm-sim_1960.pdf
IBMC22-6566-2 IBM 7080 Physical Planning De IBM 7080 C22-6566-2_IBM_7080_Physical_P
IBMC22-6578 7030 Programming Examples Apr61 IBM 7030 C22-6578_7030_Programming_Exam
IBMC22-6678-1 7030 MCP Reference Jun64 IBM 7030 mcp C22-6678-1_7030_MCP_Refere
IBMC22-6681 7000-series Installation IO Phy IBM 7090 C22-6681_7000-series_Installat
IBMC22-6695 7750 ProgrammingLogic IBM datacomm 7750 C22-6695_7750_Program
IBMC22-6728 7030 MCP Sys Analysis Guide IBM 7030 mcp C22-6728_7030_MCP_Sys_Anal
IBMC22-6728-1 7030 MCP Sys Analysis Guide IBM 7030 mcp C22-6728-1_7030_MCP_Sys_An
IBMC22-6729 7030 STRAP II Sys Analysis Guid IBM 7030 C22-6729_7030_STRAP_II_Sys_Ana
IBMC22-6751 7030 FORTRAN IV May63 IBM 7030 C22-6751_7030_FORTRAN_IV_May63
IBMC24-1420-5 1401 sort6 IBM 140x C24-1420-5_1401_sort6.pdf

IBMC24-1455-2 Fortran Specifications and Op IBM 140x C24-1455-2_Fortran_Specificati
IBMC24-1456-1 1401 sort7 IBM 140x C24-1456-1_1401_sort7.pdf
IBMC24-1462-3 1401 tapeIOCS IBM 140x C24-1462-3_1401_tapeIOCS.pdf
IBMC24-1464-2 FARGO for IBM 1401 Jan63 IBM 140x C24-1464-2_FARGO_for_IBM_1401_
IBMC24-1464-3 1401 fargo IBM 140x C24-1464-3_1401_fargo.pdf
IBMC24-1480-0 1401symbPgmSys IBM 140x C24-1480-0_1401symbPgmSys.pdf
IBMC24-1484-3 Disk Utility Programs Dec65 IBM 140x C24-1484-3_Disk_Utility_Progra
IBMC24-1489-3 Disk IOCS Nov64 IBM 140x C24-1489-3_Disk_IOCS_Nov64.pdf
IBMC24-1492-2 1401 tapeCobol IBM 140x C24-1492-2_1401_tapeCobol.pdf
IBMC24-3011-5 1440 IOCS Nov64 IBM 144x C24-3011-5_1440_IOCS_Nov64.pdf
IBMC24-3012 1311 labelingPrcd IBM 140x C24-3012_1311_labelingPrcd.pdf
IBMC24-3038-0 sort2timing IBM 140x C24-3038-0_sort2timing.pdf
IBMC24-3047-2 1460 IOCSspec IBM 140x C24-3047-2_1460_IOCSspec.pdf
IBMC24-3053-3 1401 merge6 IBM 140x C24-3053-3_1401_merge6.pdf
IBMC24-3105-3 1401 diskUtilPro IBM 140x C24-3105-3_1401_diskUtilPro.pd
IBMC24-3146-3 1401 cobolOper IBM 140x C24-3146-3_1401_cobolOper.pdf
IBMC24-3156-1 1401 120chrTapUt IBM 140x C24-3156-1_1401_120chrTapUt.pd
IBMC24-3166-1 1401 basic4kRPG IBM 140x C24-3166-1_1401_basic4kRPG.pdf

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