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IBMC28-6538-3 Linkage Editor Oct66 IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6538-3_Linkage_Ed
IBMC28-6539-4 OS JCL Mar67 IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6539-4_OS_JCL_Mar

IBMC28-6540-5 360 operGuide IBM 360 operatingGuide C28-6540-5_360_o
IBMC28-6540-7 360 operGuide IBM 360 operatingGuide C28-6540-7_360_o
IBMC28-6541-1 Control Program Services Apr6 IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6541-1_Control_Pr
IBMC28-6543-2 Sort Merge Apr66 IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6543-2_Sort_Merge
IBMC28-6543-3 Sort Merge Feb67 IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6543-3_Sort_Merge
IBMC28-6550-2 OSsysPrmg Mar67 IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6550-2_OSsysPrmg_
IBMC28-6550-5 360 System Programmers Guide IBM 360 os R17_Nov68 C28-6550-5_360_Sys
IBMC28-6553-2 Telecommunications Preliminar IBM 360 os qtam C28-6553-2_Telecommunic
IBMC28-6554-1 System Generation Oct66 IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6554-1_System_Gen
IBMC28-6554-3 OS Sysgen R13 Aug67 IBM 360 os R13_Sep67 C28-6554-3_OS_Sysg
IBMC28-6555-1 BPS Basic Assembler PLM IBM 360 bos_bps C28-6555-1_BPS_Basic_As
IBMC28-6570-0 IBM System 360 Transition Aid IBM 7080 C28-6570-0_IBM_System_360_Tran
IBMC28-6571-1 PL I Language Specifications IBM 360 pli C28-6571-1_PL_I_Language_Sp
IBMC28-6571-3 PL I Language Specifications IBM 360 pli C28-6571-3_PL_I_Language_Sp
IBMC28-6590-0 PLIcompuSbr 1966 IBM 360 pli C28-6590-0_PLIcompuSbr_1966
IBMC28-6594-4 PL1 F Programmers Guide Nov68 IBM 360 pli C28-6594-4_PL1_F_Programmer
IBMC28-6596-2 FortranIV LibrarySubrs 1966 IBM 360 model44 C28-6596-2_FortranIV_Li
IBMC28-6615-1 algolLang Apr67 IBM 360 algol C28-6615-1_algolLang_Apr6
IBMC28-6628-3 OS Rel 17 System Control Bloc IBM 360 os R17_Nov68 C28-6628-3_OS_Rel_
IBMC28-6630-0 Starter Operating System Guid IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6630-0_Starter_Op
IBMC28-6644-2 OS Master Index Oct68 IBM 360 os R15-16_May68 C28-6644-2_OS_M
IBMC28-6646-0 Supervisor and Data Managemen IBM 360 os R01-08 C28-6646-0_Supervisor
IBMC28-6666-0 360-91 OSsupport Nov67 IBM 360 os C28-6666-0_360-91_OSsupport_
IBMC28-6680-1 tapeLabels Nov68 IBM 360 os R17_Nov68 C28-6680-1_tapeLab
IBMC28-6803-1 7040dbg IBM 7040 C28-6803-1_7040dbg.pdf
IBMC28-6806-1 7040ftnMathSubrs IBM 7040 C28-6806-1_7040ftnMathSubrs.pd
IBMC28-6808-0 PLIprimer 1965 IBM 360 pli C28-6808-0_PLIprimer_1965.p
IBMC28-6810-0 360-44 PgmgSys 1966 IBM 360 model44 C28-6810-0_360-44_PgmgS
IBMc28-6811-1 360 44 Asm IBM 360 model44 c28-6811-1_360_44_Asm.p
IBMc28-6813-2 360 44 FORTRAN Dec68 IBM 360 model44 c28-6813-2_360_44_FORTR

IBMC28-8142_IBM_Standard_Tape_Label_1963 IBM magtape C28-8142_IBM_Standard_Tape_
IBMC28-8201-1 PLIrefMan Jan69 IBM 360 pli C28-8201-1_PLIrefMan_Jan69.
IBMC28-8202-0 PLIsubsetRM 1967 IBM 360 pli C28-8202-0_PLIsubsetRM_1967
IBMC29-1668-0 datacommPrimer IBM datacomm C29-1668-0_datacommPrimer.
IBMC30-2003-3 QTAM Message Processing Progr IBM 360 os qtam C30-2003-3_QTAM_Message
IBMC30-2005-2 QTAM Message Control Program IBM 360 os qtam C30-2005-2_QTAM_Message
IBMC30-2006-1 Remote Job Entry May68 IBM 360 rje C30-2006-1_Remote_Job_Entry
IBMC30-2006-2 RmJobEntry Nov68 IBM 360 rje C30-2006-2_RmJobEntry_Nov68
IBMC30-2008-0 RJE Plan Dec67 IBM 360 rje C30-2008-0_RJE_Plan_Dec67.p
IBMC30-5001-5 DOS BTAM Apr68 IBM 360 dos btam C30-5001-5_DOS_BTAM_Ap
IBMC307 Managing Personal Computers in the IBM share SHARE_61_Proceedings_Volume_1
IBMC316 PC Assembly Language Tutorial; Au IBM share SHARE_61_Proceedings_Volume_1
IBMC33-0002-0 PLI(F)plGd Mar69 IBM 360 pli C33-0002-0_PLI(F)plGd_Mar69
IBMC33-4000-0 algolPgmrs Jun68 IBM 360 algol C33-4000-0_algolPgmrs_Jun
IBMC33-6006-2 360-20 Sysgen Mar69 IBM 360 model20 C33-6006-2_360-20_Sysge
IBMC33-6007-1 360-20 PLI Dec68 IBM 360 model20 C33-6007-1_360-20_PLI_D
IBMCALL 360 BASIC Reference Handbook 1970 IBM 360 os call_360 CALL_360_BASIC_Refe
IBMCALL 360 Terminal Reference Manual Sep69 IBM 360 os call_360 CALL_360_Terminal_R

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