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Found: 917
SonyAE-1C KVX2952Uflyback lines on the topC532 100uF 50V14-09-04
SonyAE-2shuts down with BLED flashing 13 timesfield fault indication - but was R895 18k sm o/c which monitors line fb pulses14-09-04
SonyAE-2To disable prot lineremove pin 1 marked "PROT" on µ pcb14-09-04
SonyAE-2 KVX2162Ustuck in stbyresolder IC1501 and its heatsink14-09-04
SonyAE-2 KVX2562Udead, no LED, fuse OkR610 120k and R612 430k gone high (do not forget to discharge smoothing cap)14-09-04
SonyAE-2 KVX2562Uframe collapseIC501 (875950646) u/s. A new plastic rivet to clamp IC heatsink to main heatsink may be required, part 748121340014-09-04
SonyAE-2 KVX2562ULED flashing error 2B board not seated correctly due to wiring harness being positioned under board14-09-04
SonyAE-2Arandom characters appear on screensix point cure - see bulletin, will req IC 8-759-362-7914-09-04
SonyAE-2A KVA2532Uint loss of soundQ209 2SC2412K (mute transistor)14-09-04
SonyAE-2Bint lack of width & HT Q281 in prot cct on scart pcb14-09-04

SonyAE-2BLED flashing slowly - no gofield fault - dry joints fop chip IC50114-09-04
SonyAE-2BNo chan store & poor geometry LEDs flashingSDA line low due to D071 zener 5.6v leaky14-09-04
SonyAE-2Bno pic except on AV chanall progs set to ext in preset memory - in service mode set to INIT BYTE14-09-04
SonyAE-2Brandom characters appear on screenthree point cure. Change IC002 to 8-759-361-42, add Q004 DTC144EK to existing print pattern on M2 board, connect base Q2002 to collector Q00414-09-04
SonyAE-2B KVA2542Uif all external speakers are connected then sound cuts out after 10 min, Ok if centre speaker is removedR627 27R gone high (124939811)14-09-04
SonyAE-2B KVA2542Ustuck in stby with LED flashes 13 times, frame IC was replaceddisable protection and switch on, if you get frame foldover at bottom replace scan coils (873385305)14-09-04
SonyAE-2B KVA2942Udead, no 300V supplyR614 18k 3W o/c on LOPTx pin 8 (121648811)14-09-04
SonyAE-2B KVA2942Usound cuts out after 20-30 min, pic OkR626 27R 0.25W safety gone high14-09-04
SonyAE-2B KVG2515no satellite receptionQ3001 2SC2412K leaky14-09-04
SonyAE-2B KVX2972Uno pic, no sound, line stage workingR804 1k o/c (no 140V on CRT)14-09-04
SonyAE-2B KVX2972Uno pic, sound OkR701 680k o/c on CRT14-09-04
SonyAE-2FSupply lines all low - partial operationsame on dummy load - R641 1M & check R64214-09-04
SonyAE-2F KV2942Uno powerC609 22uF 25V14-09-04
SonyAE-5 KV32FX60Uint. pic would flick off for a split secondincorrect factory settings, enter features menu and switch auto format to OFF, enter setup menu and switch AV1,2,3 to OFF14-09-04
SonyAE-5A KV36FS70stuck in stbyIC6654 KA78R05 5V regulator on D PCB14-09-04
SonyAE1Blank screen with flyback linesR805 ( 1R2 ) o/c14-09-04
SonyAE1Blank screen, no tuning memory when heatedMemory chip IC003 (M58655P) used in AE1 chassis requires -30V on pin 2 to operate. If -30V is lost, no station memory - check L807 for o/c in LOP when warm. L807 used as voltage dropper to reduce volts derived from transformer & its inductance (10mH) is important. It should always be replaced with original part, otherwise damage will occur - part no 1-407-504-00.14-09-04
SonyAE1Burning smellDry joints R614 - can fit in alternative posn; check R611 & L607 for o/c14-09-04
SonyAE1CAN'T STORE STATIONS PIN 2 ICOO3 NOT -33vL807 OC PtNo 140750400 also check R008 C01714-09-04
SonyAE1Chans won't store - intThe -30v supply to IC003 M58655 Memory chip falls to -15v. L807 feed coil was int o/c14-09-04
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