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Found: 917
SonyAE1 KV211XMTUDead - dry joints scan coil plugThen excess width unable to adj - Replaced L806 (shorted turns) in the East/West circuit (just behind the LOPTX).14-09-04
SonyAE1 KVDX271TUShuts down at sw on with burst of EHTIC251 audio chip cracked & dry joints - caused by incorrect conn of ext amp - also check C615 1000u 35v for dry joints14-09-04
SonyAE1 KVM2511UWhen adj HTMake sure you adj correct preset - the one near FOP chip - NOT the st/by HT one in psu14-09-04
SonyAE1 KVM2901ESlow start up from coldCheck C605 (220µF/35V), C617 (100µF/50V), D617 in the start up circuit along with C605 (220µ). 14-09-04
SonyAE1 KVX2542YField o/p chip has short lifeLOPTx faulty - gives excess 27 volts supply (32v)14-09-04
SonyAE1 seriesPowers up then sw off with apparent 3 - 4 flashes of LEDNot an error code but merely psu attempting to start. Try replacing C611, C633, C636, C605, C608, C615 and C622. Also check R522 (100K ohm).14-09-04
SonyAE1-CNo col aft some timeCT302 trimmer ord code 25002CJ ?5.92 CHS14-09-04
SonyAE1AField - partial collapseC531 680µ 25v14-09-04
SonyAE1AField lin poorC531 680µ 25v14-09-04
SonyAE1AInt reverts to st/by - due to high HT of 175v (135v)R522 100k in HT sensing cct14-09-04

SonyAE1ASound takes more than a min to arriveC615 1000µ 25v in 14v supply - feeds audio mute cct14-09-04
SonyAE1BDead loptr s/cdry joints inc at TDA2028B tbase chip IC50114-09-04
SonyAE1BField cramped at bottom-stretched at topC531 680µ14-09-04
SonyAE1BHigh HTR522 (100k) had increased to 150k14-09-04
SonyAE1BNo field scanCheck R802 ( 0.47R ) & R530 ( 1R2 ) feeds to IC502 ( TDA8170 )14-09-04
SonyAE1BPic int blanks outComes on with tapping on rear panel - Q1404 faulty14-09-04
SonyAE1BPOOR FIELD LINC531 680mfd14-09-04
SonyAE1BSt/by onlyDry joints audio o/p chip IC261 blew chip TDA2050 then destroyed D613/614 (-19v rects)14-09-04
SonyAE1BOver bright pic with fb linesD802 RGP10GPKG23 leaky & R805 1R2 hi res14-09-04
SonyAE1B KV2932ULine tearing, no sync, vert roll, and colour flickering on/offWhen link JW105 (cut txt) adjacent to txt board skts on main pcb was linked, fault cleared. IC2 (SAA5231) Vid t/txt processor Ic on the "V" T/txt board was found to be the cause14-09-04
SonyAE1B KVX2132ULines over bright parts of pic & rollingQ598 in video amp circuit faulty, C592 100µ was the cause. 14-09-04
SonyAE1B KVX2532UAudio LH chan int goes to max with crackleTDA6200 on Audio J panel sus. As this chip is expensive, commoned both o/p to good chan14-09-04
SonyAE1B KVX2532UInt Txt & Lum (when ae plug wiggled)Dry joints IC pins on Txt board14-09-04
SonyAE1C4 flashes on front LED then nothingReplaced C617 100ufd and C617 220ufd also attend to dry joints on the various regulator IC's14-09-04
SonyAE1CBlank rasterQ305 DTA144EK sm on col dec board B14-09-04
SonyAE1CCol flickers to black & whiteLoss of 5v supply on board B - cct prot to 5v supply o/c14-09-04
SonyAE1CDead - Chopper FET s/cReplace R604 150k & R610 180k & BUZ91A FET14-09-04
SonyAE1CDead - Chopper tr s/cReplacement got hot - R651 100R sm o/c & C611 47µ was the cause14-09-04
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