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Found: 917
SonyBE2ALOW CONTRASTIC302 PIN 19 LOW SHOULD BE BETWEEN 1-4v CHECK R817 R818 R816 ( 150K )14-09-04
SonyBE2ALow contrastR816 150k & R818 & sm tr Q005 2SA1037K or 2SA1162-G14-09-04
SonyBE2ALum & sound fade away aft ?hr47k sm res hi res print side base Q005 near IC30214-09-04
SonyBE2ANo blue.IC302 ( TDA3505 )14-09-04
SonyBE2ANo pic - field collapse - sound okR819 0R47 1/4w safety re o/c14-09-04
SonyBE2ANO PIC-LOSS OF SYNCC14 ( 4.7uF 50V ) , P501 ( N15CCT )14-09-04
SonyBE2ANo Picture ( VIDEO MUTED )C329 ( 22uF TAN ) s/c.14-09-04
SonyBE2ANo start upR602 270k 1/2w (under chopper tfmr) o/c14-09-04
SonyBE2APic goes to bright white raster intS/castle pulse pin 10 IC302 dist - D504 by lopt leaky14-09-04

SonyBE2A KVM1420USnowy pic with noisy soundSAWF SWF10114-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM1420UPic & sound fades aft 15 minsAdj vol increases contrast - C012 22µ leaked causing damage to Q005 DTA143TK & R045 47k sm14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2101UE/W slightly bowed & excess widthC806 47nF 250v in E/W diode mod cct14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2140picture faded over several hours & the sound level reduced too.When changing the volume, also adjust brightness.usually caused by Q005 (2SA1162-G or 2SA 1037K). This device reads high resistance when tested & needs checking on the ohms time 100 scale of the AVO. In my set this SM transistor was OK. The fault at length was traced to C012 22mfd 50v which was leaking through the PC & had damaged SM resistor R045 47K along with a piece of print running it. All SM parts in this area had to be removed & the PCB cleaned up & bridged where the acid had damaged the print.14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2140Sound drops & pic dims aft an hourQ005 DTA143TK sm on print side of pcb coll dropped to 2.5v (11.7v) - Tr faulty14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2140UBPic & sound fade off aft prolonged useCheck / replace light blue caps C821 100µ 16v & C823 22µ 50v also C021 22µ 50v near jungle chip also check sm res below it for corrosion14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2141UFading picC021 22µ 50v ( read ok out of cct)14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2151Int shut down with 300v present on chopper chipChange STR power chip14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2151UArcing LOPTx effect on pic with accompanying soundsC606 in psu dry joint14-09-04
SonyBE2A KVM2151UDead with psu blow upIC601 STR54041 chopper chip (use genuine), Q601 BC637-16, R601 3R3 10w, R611 120k & F60114-09-04
SonyBE3De sensitising the trip cct1k resistor from D618 cathode to deck enabled the set to work normally including the protection stages14-09-04
SonyBE3Dead - no led flashes - eht briefly flashesLOPTx - HR7337 fits14-09-04
SonyBE3LED flashes 13 times - no sound/picNo tuner activity to micro - removed tuner & resoldered most conns14-09-04
SonyBE3 KV28FX20UDead - faulty parts in stanby psuIC5605 TNY253P pt no 8-759-584-19, R5602 4R7 1/4w, pt no 1-249-389-1114-09-04
SonyBE3 series FE series RE2 seriesTest Mode enteringWith TV in st/by use R/C press "OSD" Key, followed by "5", followed by "Volume +", & finally "TV" key,(blank box).TV should power up upon pressing last key, and display "TT - -". 14-09-04
SonyBE3BAll supply lines come up then go low ( StBy )Check pin 9 CN001 if high set in protection mode disconnect pin if set still fails to come on Replace IC002 Memory chip PtN14-09-04
SonyBE3BClicking noise during Nicam receptionTV02794R14-09-04
SonyBE3BLINE PULLING ON MACRO TAPESREPLACE JUMPER WIRE JW802 , MOUNTED IN LOC L800 with ( 330R ) 3W res PtNo 12159082114-09-04
SonyBE3B KV24WS1UWhite horizonzal bars, crackling sound, led blinking sometimes 6-7 or 13 times, stuck in sbyPin 15 (earth conn) on prescalar chip TSA 5511 or 5512 dry jointed14-09-04
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