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Found: 917
SonyAE2Sound cuts out when vol turned upD/J on X1101 crystal on Nicam PCB14-09-04
SonyAE2Sound missingR627 27R fusible o/c brought back dist sound - IC261 TDA2052 faulty causing uneven supply volts14-09-04
SonyAE2Trips 13 times - indicates field faultSTB9379 field chip - can use TDA8179S??14-09-04
SonyAE2Trips to st/by aft 2 secs - points to field faultReplace field chip & R854 0R47 as no -15v supplies were present14-09-04
SonyAE2vertical ripple & 'staining' effectD613 - double diode in psu leaky14-09-04
SonyAE2Vertical ripple with staining effectD613 double diode in psu has leak in one leg14-09-04
SonyAE2Won't come out of st/by - intField o/p chip TDA817914-09-04
SonyAE2 KVE2532UPoor sync, mosaic & odd colsDig comb filter14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVE2533ELED blinks 13 times at sw onFrame drive chip was the cause aft replacing FOP chip & still having same symptoms14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVE2932UExcess widthC819 470µ 16v - the -7.4v supply being poorly smoothed14-09-04

SonyAE2 KVE2932UFlashing picIC1301 SBX1692 comb filter - pt no 8-741-692-01 ?62+14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVE2932UNo pic/slow start upIC501 STV9739, R854 0.47u, R853 0.47u, C624 2200uF 35V, C625 2200uF 35V14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVE2932UShuts down within 2 secs with LED flashingReplaced IC 1501 TDA8179S FOP chip, R854 & 853 0R47, Q610 dry joints (on 2nd board), C624 2200uF 35V, C625 2200uF 35V, C1505 220uF 50V14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2162UInt loss of pic with LED randomly flashing - sound okR701 680k in A1 supply14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2162UNICAM LEDs flash 4 timesCol decoder IC14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2562UBlank dull green raster - slight pic noticed if A1 volts critically set, sound etc okIt’s the CRT! 14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2562UInt. unsynchronised text lines flashing all over the pictureReplace IC02 SDA5231-2 on V-board (you can use SAA5231 instead of SDA which is about 10 times cheaper)14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2562UText & Menu a mass of unsync linesOrange trimmer CT01 on V-board next to IC02 SDA5231-2.14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2575USt/by onlyCheck caps in psu pri14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2962Flashing LEDs from cold - A1 flash B 8 flashesIC684 9v reg dry joint under strut14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2962UDead, HT & EHT comes up then trips LED blinks twice, no sound/picDry joints on crt base14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2962UTrips off & flashes 13 timesDis D1504 (V protect) to check if field fault (it was) as 1/4 bottom of screen had no scan. EEPROM corrupt - reprog14-09-04
SonyAE2 KVX2962UTxt int lostCheck edge conn board V for corrosion14-09-04
SonyAE2AShuts down with stereo leds flashing (field fault indication)connect link between e-c Q1501 in prot cct which showed lines across screen over pic, came & went with pcb flex; hi res in pin 4 of CN0526 conn to chassis14-09-04
SonyAE2A KVA2532Set up procPress & hold any 2 buttons on set whilst sw on.TT appears on top R/H of pic. Press MENU on handset & select DEMO mode, press OK button - list of IC'S in set appears, e.g., to adj height, lin etc select CXD2018 & press "OK" button. Various adjusts appear on L/H side with present setting listed on R/H side ( a no. eg 0-100).Change settings using +/- or up/down keys on handset. Press OK to memorise.14-09-04
SonyAE2A KVE2942UDeadLOPTr 2SC4927 s/c replaced gave 13 flashes of LED. FOP chip TDA8179S cured that then excess width - Q806 2SK1916 leaky14-09-04
SonyAE2A KVX2172USound low & dist with no change when vol advancedMute works ok - same via scart - IC201 TDA6622-5 faulty14-09-04
SonyAE2A/B2" wide strip of pic down lh side onlyScastle pulses at pin 8 IC304 CXA1587S RGB proc chip dist; OK at pin 2 conn CN0106 - R597 22k sm res dry jointed (under plastic strut)14-09-04
SonyAE2A/BPic off int with LED flashing 13 timesTbase fault - dry joints fop chip14-09-04
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