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Found: 917
SonyKV2170Dead - PS603 o/cReplace the 1.0A IC Link [ICP-N25] PS603 (1-532-637-11) by the 2.5A IC Link [ICP-N75] (1-532-686-21). Add the MTZJ-T-77-5.6B Diode D613 (8-719-923-38) between pins 1 (cathode) and 9 of IC603. Add the MTZJ-T-77-5.6B Diode D614 (8-719-923-38) between pin 9 (cathode) of IC603 & ground.14-09-04
SonyKV2184Chans won't lock when tuning & garbled OSDLA78LR05 5 legged 5v reg with µ reset built in faulty14-09-04
SonyKV2184Dead - STR50115 overheatingReplaced chip (s/c pins 2 & 3) but still dead; D608 R2M diode s/c & PS801 800mA cct prot o/c 14-09-04
SonyKV2184Switches off on bright scenesR621 1R in psu slightly hi (1R4)14-09-04
SonyKV2184-34Won't start, pin 41 (stby) of microcontroller is high.Replace Q003. No leak or any other defect was detected with a VOM.14-09-04
SonyKV2184-34Won't start. Nothing heard upon switch-on.Diode D604 short circuited14-09-04
SonyKV2184-34Won't start/ loud audible buzz.Sometimes starts and switches off after a while.If stby pin(41) of Mp desoldered,all okReplace Str50115.14-09-04
SonyKV21LS30Dead - LED flashes 11 timesR648 (330K) O/C in power supply.14-09-04
SonyKV21LS30UBright raster with fb linesAdj A1 or focus resets pic - until next time - new LOPTx reqd 1-453-345-1114-09-04
SonyKV21T1UNo Txt, excess width/height, poor contrastReset eeprom - press on the remote on screen display key No 5 vol up key tv set will come on with TT on screen press menu 14-09-04

SonyKV21T3UDead - brief rustle of EHT & LED repeatedly flashes 6 timesLOPTx - will not run on dummy load (still trips) HT = 145v in fault condition - when LOP stage isolated with no dummy load, LED flashes X414-09-04
SonyKV21V6UError message - asking to be reset all the timeEEPROM chip ST24C16FM6TR IC00214-09-04
SonyKV21V6UNo pic- screen blank - OSD okIC401 CXA1855Q vi switching chip14-09-04
SonyKV21VSKDead - lightning stikeTOP223 on st/by psu, fuse o/c, s/c bridge rect & chopper tfmr of st/by psu had burned off wire - able to repair14-09-04
SonyKV21VXIMTField collapse - may be intDry joints Q551, 553, 554 & 555 & replace C556 4µ7 160v & C560 470µ14-09-04
SonyKV21VXIMTRolling - may be intµPC1377C timebase gen chip14-09-04
SonyKV21X1DEADREPLACE IC600,D603,R601,R605,Q60114-09-04
SonyKV21X1UVenetian blind effect when coldC19 10µ faulty - also check C03 & 15 47µ14-09-04
SonyKV21X5U FE1Dead - LED flashes twice - LOPTr s/cS2055N LOPTr replaced & solder up vatious dry joints - make sure you don't get a bad batch of S2055Ns!14-09-04
SonyKV21XRTUDead - no o/p from psuCheck L651 - in some versions substituted with N38 fuse - it could be o/c14-09-04
SonyKV21XRTUDead with no 135v HTWhen LOP stage dis'd HT ok - LOPTx faulty14-09-04
SonyKV21XRTUField collapse with R802 1R2 o/cWhen R802 replaced blew again with arcing from loptx - loptx replaced & D808 which was causing E-W fault14-09-04
SonyKV21XRTURope pattern 1/8th inch wide on lh side of screenCheck dressing of cables - keep away from C715 & scan coil plug14-09-04
SonyKV21XRTUTxt faulty - only TV chroma present in TXTHigh res conn pin 5 connector D3 (blanking o/p from Txt decoder)14-09-04
SonyKV21XRTUTxt lines at top of picC563 3µ3 100v14-09-04
SonyKV2200Whistle - intermittent.C612 ( 3.3u f-4.7u f ) will do , C622 ( 33uf )14-09-04
SonyKV2206DeadDry joints chopper tfmr pins14-09-04
SonyKV2207offR604 470K on psu hi res14-09-04
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