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Found: 917
SonyKV2207UDark picture.R724 ( 1M ) high.14-09-04
SonyKV2207UBDeadR604 470K on psu panel gone high!14-09-04
SonyKV2212R/C has no effect except sw on12v supply to r/c chip low at 10v - R656 56R hi res14-09-04
SonyKV2212Stuck in AV ModeTact sw 14-09-04
SonyKV2216Stuck on Chan 0 - no sound/picSticky tact switches (the rest one), djs D801,2,8,914-09-04
SonyKV24LS35UDead - flashes 11 timesIC604 8volts reg. Part no 875966887.14-09-04
SonyKV24WX1UNo sound through phones, scart or RFMSP3410B14-09-04
SonyKV2500WXField poor lin & top/bottom foldoverC558 560µ14-09-04
SonyKV2553East-West, reduced width. TEA2031 replacement failed.Change C830 and C831 1uF caps.14-09-04
SonyKV2562COLOUR FLICKERS OFF AFTER 30minsIC30114-09-04

SonyKV25F2Ragged vertsCould be LOPTx, D505 3v6 in prot cct or EEPROM14-09-04
SonyKV25F3UService Mode enteringswitch off (mains); -while pressing volume + and - on the front of the set switch on; - osd "TT" appears; -press "menu"14-09-04
SonyKV25K5ULED flashes twice - LOPTr s/c but still goes s/c at sw on even with LOPTx replacedQ635 line driver & check R546 47R feed res14-09-04
SonyKV25K5ULED flashes twice at sw on - LOP problemsLOPTr 2SD2539 s/c - expensive - caused by dry joints line dr trfmr14-09-04
SonyKV25X5UDead - blows LOPTr aft few mins & low width rh sideLOPTx14-09-04
SonyKV25X5ULow width, poor e/w correction, high contrast picture going blue after a while.IC606 9v regulator 7809 s/c. 14-09-04
SonyKV2704Intermittent startup.Check R605/606 , if HT down to around 80V check C623 ( 33uf , 250v )14-09-04
SonyKV2704Sometimes it won't start.Check / replace R606 470 kOhms resistor.14-09-04
SonyKV2704UBPOOR STARTINGR605 R606 OR C623 33uF 250v14-09-04
SonyKV2712SCREEN ONE HALF GREENIC 302 TDA466114-09-04
SonyKV2720Chopper transistor Sced after running for 10-15 mins.Replace all electrolytics around uPC139414-09-04
SonyKV2730ECPic very slow to appear - sound okPossible CRT low emission14-09-04
SonyKV2756Field CollapseR808 o/c off pin 12 of LOPTx (no 28v supply)14-09-04
SonyKV2762Field reduction & non linTDA3652 field o/p chip14-09-04
SonyKV2764Vertical IC TDA3652 defective. -No longer available- Foldover at the bottom , reduced width.Fit a TDA3654 and change R518 to1,5K14-09-04
SonyKV2766No I/p from scart until warmC655 220µ 25v in psu - 6v smoother14-09-04
SonyKV2766UBRemote Control intC655 220µ causing 6v supply to be low at 3.8v14-09-04
SonyKV27XRTUConvergence errorsQ1504 HAMP driver tr leaky14-09-04
SonyKV27XRTUNo syncNo vid I/p to sync sep pin 5 IC501. SAA5230 chip on txt pcb no o/p pin 1 & overheating - Q002 12v reg s/c & SAA5230 faulty14-09-04
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