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Found: 917
SonyBE-3D KV28WS2Uvol goes up or down on its own, channels wipe out of memory, unusual characters on LHSint lockup of IC3, replace with new software type (IC3 TMS27PC0200-15 software 15FMBW706 or later, part number 875945310)14-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV29F2Ugreen flyback lines, then goes dead within 10 secQ707 BF423 leaky on CRT14-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV29F2Uno sound from cold for 30 minreplace IC3 87594777314-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV29F3Uint sound muting, locking up and no tuning memoryNVM IC2 97593342014-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV29F3Upoor CRT purityreplace C632 as the degaus relay is not energising14-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV29X1Uno pic, rainbow effect if A1 increased9V supply high at 11.6V, replace IC606 LM2940T-9-0 14-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV32WF1Uno pic or sound, PSU screamingLOPTr Q802 2SC5251 s/c14-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV32WF1Uno soundfuse PS602 N75 o/c, IC1200 TDA7264 s/c, mute transistors Q1200 2SC1740 and Q1201 DTC143TS14-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV32WF1Ustuck in stbyQ812 (872904286) s/c, D802 (871903849) s/c, LOPTx (145325711) u/s14-09-04
SonyBE-3D KV32WS2Ulow/varying heightC616 1000uF 25V in PSU14-09-04

SonyBE-3E KV32FX20Usound crackling, "NICAM" appears on screenreplace X201 18.432MHz on A PCB (176062811)14-09-04
SonyBE-4 KV14T1Ucoloured lines on topEEPROM IC002 ST24C02CB1 (875937032)14-09-04
SonyBE-4 KV14T1UdeadLOPTr Q802 S2055N s/c, R615 0.46R (121737100) o/c, IC601 STRS5706 s/c14-09-04
SonyBE-4 KV16WT1Uframe collapseDJ L807 wire link to LOPTx earth14-09-04
SonyBE-4 KV16WT1Uframe collapse (no picture)R814 0.46R 0.5W (121781111) o/c, IC501 TDA9302, C504 100uF 50V, also replace D501 RGP10GP (871930243) or may fail again14-09-04
SonyBE-4A KV21T3Ublank raster with flyback linesA1 voltage too high, replace LOPTx14-09-04
SonyBE-4A KV21T3Uno pic (blank video)D722 (871999133) o/c on CRT14-09-04
SonyBE-4A KV21T3Uvolume goes to max, no remote or front control functionsMicro gets hot, replace Micro part no 87594750614-09-04
SonyBE-4A KVM2171Uframe collapseR622 (HT feed) o/c, R814 0.47R safety (frame feed) o/c14-09-04
SonyBE-4A KVM2171Uno text, excessive width, poor grey scaleNVM corruption. Replace IC002 new type ST24C02FB6 (875937032). Change C0255 from 47uF to 1000uF, add 5.6V zener from pin 8 IC002 (cathode) to earth, tighten earth spring around CRT in the shape of U14-09-04
SonyBE-5 KV21X1UdeadIC600 STRS6707 (874992499), D603 RD6.8ESB2 (871910997), R601 (120296211), R605 (121636411), Q601 2SC3852A (872902504)14-09-04
SonyBE-5 KV21X1UdeadQ802 S2000N (872903385), do not use S2000A as it will fail in a short time14-09-04
SonyBE-5 KV21X1Uint. sync, picture patterningreplace SMD C34114-09-04
SonyBE-5 KV21X1Ustriations on LHSR820 3.3k fusible, located on the RHS of the LOPTx, blue in colour, between 2 coils (R820 is not marked on CCT)14-09-04
SonyBE-5 KV21X4Uhumbar on dark scenes , common on high gain channelsIC101 MC44002P (875933345)14-09-04
SonyBE-6 KV21X4Uno pic or sound, LED blinks twice5V low at micro pin 12, HT down to 38V - resolder IC604 (no earth connection)14-09-04
SonyBE16 flyback lines (2 of each col) top of picIC501 µPC1488H chip dry joints14-09-04
SonyBE1dark after period of timeC329 22µ 16v tant14-09-04
SonyBE1Dead apart from high pitched whistle from psuBreakdown in loptx14-09-04
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