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Found: 917
SONYKV-27VX1MTSONY KV-27VX1MT will not go to stand-by when turned off with the remote. Once off, it only comes back after a hard power off, wait 60s and turn on. This must be repeated for 10 minutes (10 times) before the set will stay on.Please check if there are any dry solder joints in the PSU and deflection circuits. If not, check the caps in the primairy side of the PSU. 08-08-05
Sonykv-28hx15usony tv ,model kv-28hx15u and it keeps blowing the small fuse inside the tvYou ought to check parts of the Power Supply: - deagussing posistor - 4 diodes on input -IC of P.S. 09-01-06
SonyKV-35V76I have a Sony television Model KV35V76 where the picture is on for two seconds and off for one second. Here are the details. * When the TV is turn on it takes about 3 to 5 minutes for the picture to appear, then the alternations begin. * There is a tIt sounds like you have the IK problem with your set. Check red drive transistors for leakage. It may be the CRT. You can use a CRT rejuvenator but DO NOT use the rejuv feature. Use clean and/or balance. Sony CRTs don't handle rejuv very well.11-08-05
SonyKV-C25/27Memory inoperative. Memory chip replacement failed.Check that pin 2 of memory chip is at -30 volts. If not check D809, R830, L807 and the -30V smoothing cap. In two cases, L807 was found to be open cct.14-09-04
SonyKV-C25/27Starts on Pr0 and every time Pr+ is depressed, it goes subsequently to Pr8, Pr16,Pr24 and to Pr0.Change D008 5Vzener located near M58655 memory chip.14-09-04
SonyKV-C25/C27All the minus ( - ) keys on keyboard inoperative. ( vol-, prog-, search- etc. )Check/repalace Microcontroller IC.14-09-04
SonyKV-E2961DIntermittently switches off or refuses to switch on at all.Cold solder joints in Tuner. The fault is common with many Sonys which are fitted with the spanish made 8-598-045-01 tuner like KV-M2540D.14-09-04
SonyKV-M1401Uswitches into black/white ater about 2-3 hours operation. It then flicks back and forth between colour and black/white at seemingly random moments.REPLACE THE CRYSTAL TRIMMER IN THE COLOUR CIRCUIT WITH A 15pF CAPACITOR AND NORMAL OPERATION WILL BE RESTORED.21-04-06
SonyKV-X2982UThe set will go into standby when switched on from cold. Pressing any button on the remote will only sometimes brings it back on. Sometimes waiting a bit before trying again or unplugging or fiddling with the SCART conector on the back brings it back toRESOLDER THE FRAME IC1501 AT THE BACK OF THE PCB. IT IS A 7 PIN DEVICE MOUNTED ON A HEATSINK,13-01-06
SonyKV1340Hum bar & lack of width.C523 ( 10u f ) o/c.14-09-04

SonyKV1400Dead - F601 3.15A o/cR601 3R9 10w o/c; Q605 Chopper s/c; R627 0R47 1w o/c; C518 330pf 1kv leaky & was the cause14-09-04
SonyKV1400Tuning drift - intermittent.DJ in BT871 tuner on ground & print.14-09-04
SonyKV1400UBSound absentR254 390R in 105v supply o/c14-09-04
SonyKV1412UBStriations on lh sideC534 22µ 250v14-09-04
SonyKV1420Raster - bright blue.Ty slight adj of G2 first anode supply.14-09-04
SonyKV1422Won't power upQ503 leaky - tested ok out of cct also C801 22µ 250v s/c14-09-04
SonyKV1462Negative picDry joints IF201 module14-09-04
SonyKV14F1, KV21F1No pic - raster visible when A1s turned upIC902 L78L33 3.3V reg feeds Txt I/C on the bottom VCR board14-09-04
SonyKV14FV1goes off after 30 secresolder links JW1, JW2, JW314-09-04
SonyKV14LT1UReverts to st/by aft few minsR618 270k hi res14-09-04
SonyKV14M1DInt dead - goes into prot modeTDA8139 int14-09-04
SonyKV14T1UDeadR614 0R4714-09-04
SonyKV14T1ULED flashing 6 times with a break of 1 sec between every 6 flashes.Replace LOPT (Konig FAT30489 from Seme)14-09-04
SonyKV14T1UPic fades with flaring at sw oncrack by loptx (to crt htrs?)14-09-04
SonyKV14T1USound at maxreplace tact sws pt no SW0163414-09-04
SonyKV14T1U BE4Bright white rastercheck conns/cracks around LOPtx14-09-04
SonyKV14V5UStuck on BBC1 aft few mins & then blank raster on chan change & no osdDry joints tuner14-09-04
SonyKV1602Horizontal green lines in picture when hotRemove capacitor C816 33pF.14-09-04
SonyKV1800UFrame - jitter - intermittent.Q507 noisy.14-09-04
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