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Found: 1771
FergusonICC5Text - no text or OSG.DV03 Zenor ZPD4V3 goes leaky.14-09-04
FergusonICC5tripping at sw on then deadlopt14-09-04
FergusonICC5Tripping.LOPTX s/c between pins 11 & 3 also pin 9 to chassis.14-09-04
FergusonICC5Tripping.RL10 o/c may be intermittent14-09-04
FergusonICC5Trips 3 times then deadCP24 47µ 100v drive coupler to TR2414-09-04
FergusonICC5Trips 3 times then offDL55 200v rect BA157 s/c; CL58 47µ 100v & RV82 10R on crt base damaged14-09-04
FergusonICC5Trips 3 times then off - HT ok with lop dis'dIf sus the trip cct s/c TL17 coll-emitt to disable it. If now ok sus DL25 ZPD10 zener 13v line monitor o/c14-09-04
FergusonICC5Trips 3 times.Thick film con side of LOPTX - may take out S2000.14-09-04
FergusonICC5Trips once & goes into st/byRL44 56R safwety res o/c - MAKE SURE SET IS NOT IN ST/BY - depress mains sw for 3-4secs14-09-04

FergusonICC5Trips quietly0µ33 250v cap near LOPTx, E/W coil (WVE pt no 20005EW) & TDA495014-09-04
FergusonICC5Trips then dead22µ 250v cap in 200v line low cap. RL23 1R o/c as it was running line driver tr off 22v14-09-04
FergusonICC5Tuning - no tuning operation.IT20 ( TDA6316AP ) no volts to tuner.14-09-04
FergusonICC5Txt drops out to leave dull, uncontrasted picDry joints three large text processing IC'S IVO/1/2/& 3 14-09-04
FergusonICC5Unit in child lockTo remove child lock Push R G B then hold Yellow for 10 secs14-09-04
FergusonICC5Width 1" on left hand side.Text IC IV02.14-09-04
FergusonICC5Blank raster from cold with col lines across screen; pic appears aft 5 mins with excess height/top foldover & fb linesCL 52, 1000uF 40V, decoupling to the 23V line.14-09-04
FergusonICC5Chopper Tr S2000 s/c mains fuse o/cQL 07 ( 503 KHz ) and the CL 09 ( 100u / 16 ) were the cause14-09-04
FergusonICC5Int sound - OSD shows okdry joints audio o/p stage14-09-04
FergusonICC5trippingremove audio pcb to isolate audio o/p chip shorts14-09-04
FergusonICC5 (mono)No sound even with scart I/pTBA120T sound det chip14-09-04
FergusonICC5 51K7Dead with 1.6A FP05 fuse bownCheck mains filter caps CP02 & RP01 positor14-09-04
FergusonICC5 51K7No video - Txt OKRV74 2R7 1/4w o/c (no 12v to RGB IC)14-09-04
FergusonICC5 59K4Storing customer settingsPress the red text key while the on screen graphics are on Screen14-09-04
FergusonICC5 59K5Int trips off or failure to startProt I/P at pin 28 IL14 TEA2029C being turned on. Dry joint RL18 4k7 (near pin 1 of LOPTx)14-09-04
FergusonICC5 59P7Trips 3 times then deadLG11 E/W coil breaking down, when replaced pic 4" wide with pin cush dist. CL44 300nF o/c - also check RL44 value varies with model - around 56/120R14-09-04
FergusonICC5 59P7ADead - sometimes tripsReplace the following; TL31 S2000AF, CL48 10.5 nF, IGO1 TDA4950, RL44 176R, RV82 10R on tube base14-09-04
FergusonICC5 68M5Trips 3 times then deadDis trip by s/c coll/emitt of TL17 - CP26 hi esr14-09-04
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