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Found: 1771
FergusonTX807 D14RBurst of EHT at sw on then reverts to st/byRP68 0R68 safety res o/c near LOPTx14-09-04
FergusonTX807 M3615UTDead apart from red LED pulsing - In Child LockTo release - Sw on TV at mains whilst holding in Magenta Txt key14-09-04
FergusonTX807 M3615UTLED stays green for 6 secs at sw on then reverts to st/byDL04 BY288 in E/W mod cct leaky14-09-04
FergusonTX807 M7017UPic cuts off on dig TxtIV01 TDA9554 U/S14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415blue line on LHS of picreplace TV04 BC848B14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415dead, no LEDDP26 BAV21 leaky causing start-up voltage to drop to zero14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415dead, TP20 s/c and RP01 o/creplace DP21 (80444020), DP27 (60447870), RP01 (10547070), TP20 (20818740), TP22 (16000930), TP25 (16001110)14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415dead, trippingreplace SMD RL41 22k (CPC order RE00095)14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415int. blank raster with 6 coloured lines across screenCV16 100nF in V-ramp int. going o/c (CPC order code CA01939)14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415line collapsereplace CL06 33nF 250V14-09-04

FergusonTX807 Proline 1415low brightness/contractBCL inoperative, RL65 o/c (Ferg. Part no 80437780)14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415pic appears briefly but scan not right and out of focus, then cuts into stby and tries againRL45 1R fusible o/c14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415small pic, top half to one side, cannot be fully adj. In service modereplace EEPROM IR02 (Ferg. Part no 20159470)14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415stuck in stbyreplace LOPTx (20840590)14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415tripping, LED 4 secs red - 4 secs greenDL04 BY228 leaky14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Proline 1415tripping, LED flashing red/greenDL25 BZV85C27 27V zener (measures Ok)14-09-04
FergusonTX807 Thomson 14MS15UTdead, no LEDDP25 RGP10 s/c14-09-04
FergusonTX85800mA fuse o/cReplace TR6 IC4 D8 D10 & D23 if R101 ruptured replace C75 uprate fuse to 1.25A14-09-04
FergusonTX85Blowing chopper transistor.R101 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX85Blowing diode D19.Use only specified device.14-09-04
FergusonTX85Blowing line transistor.R61 in PSU dry jointed.14-09-04
FergusonTX85Corrugated pic most of the timedry joints at jumper between small pcb in lop and main pcb14-09-04
FergusonTX85DeadCheck Degauss pos if ok check R97 ( 10ohm ) R88 all bridge rec diodes & TEA2018 D8 D10 D23 all ( IN4002 )14-09-04
FergusonTX85DeadR101 1k2/5W, TR6 TIPL791A chopper Tr, IC4 TEA 2018A, FS1 T800mA fuse14-09-04
FergusonTX85Dead - 800mA fuse blown.TR6 s/c , IC4 ( TEA2018 s/c betweenpin 6 & chassis , D13 s/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX85Dead - may be int.Check for drys on vertical add-on filter PCB next to LOPT.14-09-04
FergusonTX85Dead aft power cut800mA fuse o/c; TIPL791A chopper s/c; D8 I sens 1N4001 s/c; D3&6 mains rects 1N4007 s/c; TEA2018A power chip shorted14-09-04
FergusonTX85Dead H.T. normalL10 o/c14-09-04
FergusonTX85Dead Mains fuse blown TR6 s/c R101 D/JCheck resistance from pin 2 TEA2018 to Emitter TR6 Check R98 D20 if faulty replace TEA201814-09-04
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