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Found: 1771
FergusonTX100Dead - for 10 mins.C121 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - from cold - ok after 20 seconds.TR8 s/c can burn up R143.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - int to start withDry joints chopper tfmr sec chassis con14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - intermittent.Drys on mains supply to PCB , TR8 ( BC372 ) o/c line driver14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - keeps blowing fuse.TR6 s/c , TR10 s/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - low HT at 50vC121 22µ ht decoupler leaky14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - no 12v rail - 120v & 20v rail ok.120v & 20v rail ok , R73 ( 9k1 ) o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - no 200v rail.T2 DJ on secondary.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - no line drive.IC9 15v reg.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - no line drive.C66 o/c.14-09-04

FergusonTX100Dead - no volts on pin 9 of IC7.R117/R118 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - R116 burnt up.SCR1 s/c , R116.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - R143 burnt up - from cold.TR8 s/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - relay chattering.TR10 fibre washer has pin hole in it.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - relay RL1 chattering.TR73 o/c , drys on C137 s/c , D26 s/clTR10 s/c or washer.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead - static on screen customer said.Fit 10MR across neutral poles of on/off switch.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead 2.5A fuse blownGreen faces when fuse replaced - degaussing therm faulty14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead with 120v on LOPTrNo line dr - Tr8 BC372, R143 6R8 hi res & LOPTx14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead with chopper TX ( T1 ) ticking.C121 ( 47uF/160V ) low value.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead with faint hum from spkrHT ok on dummy load - low when connected normally - LOPTx14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead with machine gun type trippingLOPTx s/c winding14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead with squeal from LOPTxLOPTx faulty14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead with ticking chopper tfmrC121 47µ 160v low14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead.BC372 s/c plus feed R143 o/c , D28 ( BY299 ) s/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead.R115 ( 270k ) high ( 1.2R ) , check print bt IC9 & R143 , TR8 o/c14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead.Relay u/s , C115 s/c ( 8n2 ) R113 overheating.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead.R108 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead.Approx 119v on D19 T3 or cracks in print around P2 & 10.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead.D20 s/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX100Dead.C112 o/c.14-09-04
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