Make | Model | Problem | Solution | Date |
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Found: 1771
Ferguson | TX9 | Channels - Stuck on channel 1 - remote faulty | IC902 ( ML923 ) | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Clock only no Tv or radio. | D5 ( 11v zener ) s/c , c/r panel TR5 s/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Colour - intermittent - looks like purity. | Delay line velel control ( 470R ) . | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Colour & brightness varies - sound blares. | DJ on standby transformer tags on U724 panel. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Contrast - poor. | R262 ( 18k ) o/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Contrast control burnt. | C77 ( 3.3u f ) | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dark pic with no sound - stuck in mute with no r/c functs | Reg tr101 on r/c pcb faulty (TIP32 works) | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dark picture. | Change R233 to a 300k | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dark picture. | R232 ( 1k ) feed to A1 diode ( no A1 volts ) | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead | Check on/off switch start-up pins for o/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - 115v rail low. | W87 ( 5v zenor ) o/c , R223 ( 470r ) o/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing 1.6amp fuse. | D77 ( IN4007 ) efficency diode s/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing 1.6amp fuse. | D66 s/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing fuse - L65 hot. | 115v rail high , R184 ( 220k ) high. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing fuse FS1 after short time. | 115v low , D96 ( BY127 ) s/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing fuse mains. | TR68 s/c , D94 s/c , D7 leaky. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing fuse mains. | SCR1 s/c , W77 s/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing fuse mains. | VT66 , W83 , C152 s/c , R195 ( 6k8 ) | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing fuse o/c - TR62 s/c - D104 s/c | R164 o/c , Change C138 o/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing fuse. | FS1 blown , R184 ( 220k ) high. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing mains fuse - IC57 - & TR62. | DJ on remote PSU board ( U724 ) | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing mains fuse & transistor TR66. | C147/8. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing mains fuse for no reason. | Check fuse holder for being loose or charred. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing TR62 , TR2 , IC57 & mains fuse. | DJ on remote PSU board ( U724 ) | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blowing transistor VT68. | C186 ( 9N1F ) leaky. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blows 1.6A fuse almost instantly | THY1 faulty tho measured ok | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - blows FS1 & BU after line whistle. | Line speed may be off ( low ) 1k line control gone high. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - chopper transistor blowing. | R165 high , R166 high. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - EHT excessive - damaged TDA1170S. | C186 o/c. | 14-09-04 |
Ferguson | TX9 | Dead - int to start with | dry joints L103 (18v supply) | 14-09-04 |