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Found: 1771
FergusonTX10Raster - Green/RedTR652/3 on CRT base.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Raster - shading.Change C658 from 1n to 10n.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Raster - White - then tripping - sound ok.C655 ( 470u f ) s/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Remote control - intermittent.Re-locate infra red pre-amp behind lens.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Remote control has random operations.Cracked print around PL16/114-09-04
FergusonTX10Remote control has reduced range.Change all 3 LEDs , I/R preamp panel screening.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Repeated failure of TR701 in PSU.R724 ( 1.2k )14-09-04
FergusonTX10Screeching from scan coils - blowing TR831.T721 in LTB.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Setting up E.H.T.control RZ13Make sure TZ07/8 are BC548B not A.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Shutdown - after a few seconds.TR801 , D802.14-09-04

FergusonTX10Shutdown - after width reducing & tripping.D831 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Shutdown - tripping.R810 ( 150k ) o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sideways jitter on video playback.No AV switching TR113 ( BC237 ) B/E o/c or D117 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - buzz ( 300-600hz ) on LH channel.C1450 ( 1ouf ) missing.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - buzz on sound with stereo VHS.Tabs in contact with metal chassis.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - buzz on sound.Screening foil not earthed on stereo panel.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - buzz on sound.PL9 ( tone ) pin 1 & 2 reversed , TR651/2/4/5 on CRT base.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - caption buzz.Adj L531 ( later L561 )14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - crackling with volume turned downIC621 ( LM340T ) 12v reg.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - distorted - at low volume.Change C1264 from 22u f to 1000u f.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - distorted - IC hot.C570 ( 100n ) or C571 ( 100n ) o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - EHT & tuning - intermittent.Dry joints/break in print on IC621.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - faults - intermittent.Dry-joints around T70514-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - high pitched buzz on AV channel.All 6103 in stock same fault.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - hum - no picture & tripping.D702 low res ( 15r ) .14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - hum on sound - may be intermittent.DJ on 12v reg on IF panel.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - hum when connected to stereo video.Refit aerial socket ( turn through 180 deg )14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - hum.Drys on RGB transistors on CRT base.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - low on off air.IC561 ( TDA1236 ) , C582 ( 6n8 )14-09-04
FergusonTX10Sound - mute - intermittent.Add a 6k8 capacitor from base to emitter of TR408.14-09-04
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