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Found: 1771
FergusonTX10Grey scale - shifting.12v reg IC621.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Grey scale fault TDA3560.Check C616/7/8 ( 100nf )14-09-04
FergusonTX10Heaters - intermittent.Drys on supply pins.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Horizontal lines across screen.C776 ( 100nf ) o/c. see black horz.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Hum & dark picdry joints RGB o/p tr14-09-04
FergusonTX10Int dark lines on picture.Focus control.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Int operation of remote control functions.Ser HT preset , R813 ( 121k ) , Drys LOPT , Drys remote PCB , mains switch.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Interlace poor in centre of screen.C776 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Lack of height.C781 ( 100u f ) , TR771 ( ZTX450K )14-09-04
FergusonTX10LEDs on - bass/treble/balance permantly.IC1443.14-09-04

FergusonTX10Line - castellation & lack of width , tripping.D831 ( BY188Bor BY226 ) o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Line - cramping - vertical lines on LH sideR.G.B leads to CRT base too close to LOPTX.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Line - hunting - tripping after 1 min.D831.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Line - ringing.D831 o/c.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Line - tearing ( slight ) - hum/flashing.150v rail min setting R813 ( 121R ) goes low.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Line - tearing.T721 in LTB.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Lines ( dark ) at top of picture.R16 ( 680R )14-09-04
FergusonTX10Loss of 1 or more colours.IC601 ( TDA3560 )14-09-04
FergusonTX10Low frequency hum varying with video content.2 video o/p transistors leaky.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Memory - loss of tuning memory at switch on.D345 leaky , gunge on PCB around neg pin of B341.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Memory - no memory on channel 1.Memory battery ( checks ok ) can use pen cell type.14-09-04
FergusonTX10Memory - not storing.Change C367 from 470p to 560p.14-09-04
FergusonTX10No A1 volts after LOP transistor change.Poor contact on collector screw.14-09-04
FergusonTX10No blue in text mode.Change colour decoder IC TDA3560.14-09-04
FergusonTX10No channel display No. line or video.DJ on IC621.14-09-04
FergusonTX10No CRT heaters - sound ok.C759 blown up , D738 , D735 s/c caused by C758 ( 33uf )14-09-04
FergusonTX10No FF/Rew search used with 3V43.Replace IC1086 to 06614-09-04
FergusonTX10No field syncTDA2576A14-09-04
FergusonTX10No frame.C777 ( 100u f )14-09-04
FergusonTX10No heatersMoving chassis may restore , dry-joint on transformer T70514-09-04
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