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Found: 4551
PhilipsANUBIS-SSound plop at switching on/off spatial featureIt is recommended to solder a capacitor of 10uF 50V 20% 4822 124 40428 accross TS7140 (+ of capacitor at collector of TS7140 and - of capacitor at ground e.g. at jumper 9056) 14-09-04
PhilipsANUBIS-SSpook on picture in all versions.Replace IC7218 (voltage stabalizer of IC7225) by L7808CP (5322 209 86283). REMARKS : Introduced in production week 9333 (in Spanish service manual this is already updated in the spare parts list) 14-09-04
PhilipsANUBIS-SVertical foldback linesReplace R3325 on the CRT panel by 3k3 (4822 116 52269) Replace R3407 in the frame part of 20/21" by 33k (4822 051 10333) REMARKS : Introduced in production week 9318 14-09-04
PhilipsANUBIS-SVertical shift alignment not enoughIt is recommended to replace in the frame part of the 25" Anubis S BB: R3401 to 680R (4822 116 52228) nearby vertical shift potentiometer R3408. Realign the vertical shift after replacement. REMARKS : Introduced in production week 9405 14-09-04
PhilipsANUBIS-SVideo in sound at weak signed in PAL/SECAM setsModify in the BIMOS sound part: Replace C2102 by 4n7 (4822 126 12641) Replace C2112 by 560p (4822 126 13097) Replace C2119 by 270p (4822 126 13096) Replace C5112 by 15uH (4822 157 52224) REMARKS : Introduced in production week 9340 14-09-04
PhilipsAnubisA/ABpsu squeals at sw onLOPTx faulty also 7525 BUT11AF, 2A fuse, zener 6517 BZV85C5V114-09-04
PhilipsBR1-AXNo ColR3755 (10R) fusible resistor on one of the 12v rails being o/c.14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Blank raster - no soundNo o/p from TDA2541 IF chip - C2147 leaky14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Blank raster & no sound.C2147 disc type leaky , TDA2541.14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Brightness - low.R3600 ( 18k )14-09-04

PhilipsCF1Colour excessive with hanover barsC2218 2µ2 low cap connected to pin 5 TDA3560/N614-09-04
PhilipsCF1Contrast - low.R3600 ( 18k )14-09-04
PhilipsCF1DeadC2310 1n5 prot cap across D6310 BYD33M 190v rect s/c14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Dead - blowing BUT11AF.C2501 ( 22nf ) int , replace C2501 & T7560 ( BUT11AF )14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Dead - LOPTr BUT11AF fails every few hoursR3503 220R dry joints - connected to collector of line dr Tr14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Dead - Tr7560 LOPTr s/cDry joints chopper tfrmr14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Dead.C2310 ( 1.5nf ) goes s/c under load.14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Field collapse & foreign radio soundR3583 1R o/c14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Field reduced with bottom crampingC2403 4µ7 feedback cap14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Field sync absentC2377 10µ 63v14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Frame collapse - sound from freign station.R3583 1R o/c.14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Int deadDry joints chopper tfmr (under screening plate)14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Low contrast & brightnessR3600 18k in beam lim cct o/c14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Lum missing from coldDL2 delay line faulty14-09-04
PhilipsCF1No colour - may be intCheck ref osc freq & TDA3560/N3 chip by substitution14-09-04
PhilipsCF1No line o/p - foreign radio onlyR3502 5R6 o/c (under crt neck)14-09-04
PhilipsCF1No signals or raster - foreign radio onlyR3585 1R0 o/c in 12v line (on crt pcb)14-09-04
PhilipsCF1No sync, sound with fb linesTDA2577 sync/timebase chip14-09-04
PhilipsCF1Patterning on lh side of screenC2484 4µ7 connected to emitter E-W mod driver tr faulty14-09-04
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