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Found: 4551
PhilipsMD1.2EVertical black bars in 14:9 modeCheck soldering of C2403 on 16:9 PCB. 14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2EVertical lines bendedCheck the connection of the EHT cable inside LOT. 14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2EWidth on right side varies in 14/9 modeCheck on 16/9 panel the soldering of C2403. 14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 25PT4523/25Dead Disc ceramic (2540) blown apart, 10R fusible resistor (3524) o/c and diode (6524) s/c.2540 330pF 2Kv disc ceramic (4822 126 11254) 7540 STP4NA60FI FET (4822 130 63787) 3524 10R 0.33W 5% fusible resistor (4822 052 10109) 6524 BYV10-20 diode (4822 130 31631)14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PT4523/25TrippingC2433 1n5 2kv burnt up14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PT6773Pic remains in st/by - sound mutes okResistor 3588(LT supply) O/C, capacitor 2561 very low capacitance. Replace 3588(3R3) and 2561(3300mfd).14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332Low width & E/W faulty aft repair of dry joints in LOPEnter service mode and setup E-W and Nicam/Text mode 14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332No OSD or menus - - pic OKScastle pulse ampl low. Measure at R3611 on small sigs panel, should be 4.5v at source & 0.62v at other end of res. If only 2.5v - 3v its too low. Usually caused by Tr7420 leaky in 16:9 module under CRT neck14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332no text, no dolby, zoom features not workingreset options. Using dealer R/C press ALIGN and reset relevant options to YES/NO14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332/05can't get volume display bars back by using R/Cpress MENU on TV untill vol bar displayed, then press ' i ' for 3 sec14-09-04

PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332/05E/W concave pic on 4:3 format, Ok on widescreenadjust for optimum options D1 to D4 for each aspect ratio using service remote RC715014-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332/05int. no red on pic. Text Oktake out "F" module and resolder pin3 of the socket W5414-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332/05line osc int. squegging on super zoom (line tearing)replace EPROM IC7685 (482220914928) and replace on/off switch14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332/05tripping and showing stby lightD6423 BY228 s/c in horiz. Stage14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332Cblank raster with flyback linesT7366 BC848B on CRT base14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 28PW6332Cno soundR1573 (482207152502) o/c near chopper Tx and TDA2616Q (482220932641) s/c on LHS sub-panel14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E 32PW6322Cint. losing syncT7420 BC848B on 6/9 panel, IC7119 TDA8366 may also be faulty14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E AAE/W fault & lack of widthE-W driver FET 7480 dry jointed tho looked ok14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E AANo pic sound ok with burning smellHT & A1 supply only 2/3 normal - dry joints scan coils plug14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E AASt/by only - tries to start upResistor R3555 160K on the secondary side of the power supply ( voltage set circuit ) has gone high to 220K14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E AAVarious int inc max vol, chans cont change on their own, no sound control, int sw itself onCheck small top mounted pcb for damage when back is fitted14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E AA 28PW63332/05Line collapseBurnt conns on deflection yoke plug/skt14-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2E AA 29PW6332/05Excess width with poor E/WDry joints E/W driver Trfmr 542414-09-04
PhilipsMD1.2EAA 29PT6773/05Won't go into st/byR3588 3R3 ?w o/c in st/by prot cct on large sigs panel - also replace C2561 with 3,300µ 16v14-09-04
PhilipsMD1chassisFor repairing LOPMod kit available from CHS P32261 ?14.9514-09-04
PhilipsMD1chassisFor repairing PSUMod kit available from CHS P32259 ?16.9514-09-04
PhilipsMD2.11E"Digital scan" does not appear in the picture menuIn the direction for use is mentioned that in the picture menu the function 'Digital Scan' can be switched off. However during the picture modes; Super Zoom, 14/9, 16/9, subtitles an automatic the function 'Digital Scan' does not appear in the picture me14-09-04
PhilipsMD2.11E+5 V stand-by defective (also fuse 1580 defect)First check the +5 V supply panel before replacing the fuse. When the +5 V panel is defective, it could be that the +5 V becomes too high, which will damage the circuitry.14-09-04
PhilipsMD2.11EAfter a while vertical and horizontal scrolling picture.Check and replace if necessary: IC7505 (software) in the feature box. Software FBX3-F; 4822 900 10982 Software FBX4-Eco; 4822 900 10745.14-09-04
PhilipsMD2.11EBad focus or focus varies in a new set or after CRT replacementPossible solution: Short circuit the focus and the G2 pins of the picture tube with the aquadag coating. Switch the set on for approximately 5 seconds. After this return the set to its original condition. Check if the focus adjusted normally. If not repla14-09-04
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