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Found: 4551
PhilipsGR1-AXno sound or pic - low hum from spkrNo line drive due to C2058 22µ o/c connected to pin 11 IC702014-09-04
PhilipsGR1-AXNo tuningR3703 oc14-09-04
PhilipsGR1-AXpic shifts to left, line tearing both intC2523 6µ8 50v int o/c line driver supply smoother14-09-04
PhilipsGR1-AXPoor tuning lock - no high channels.Tr7705 ( PH2369 )14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AX6613 type change6613 type change ---------------- A production change has been introduced in receivers with serial number starting SV9306 and higher. Diode 6613 BZX79-C15 is changed to BZV85-C15 code no. 4822 130 33732. 14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXAfter replacing uP and memory, setting does not stay.The appliance is in hotel mode. Go to program channel 38 and press buttons store and control+. 14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXAs replacement for all IR Receivers item 1785 in tAs replacement for all IR Receivers item 1785 in the GR1AX chassis is delivered type TFMS5360 (execution with connecting pins of 18 mm). Service code 4822 212 30842. The pin configuration of the TFMS5360 can however differ from the original IR Receiver. F14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXAvoiding damaging sound IC due to EHT dischargeAvoiding damaging sound IC due to EHT discharge ----------------------------------------------- To prevent failures of the sound IC TDA7052 during servicing, do not discharge the EHT voltage via the heatsink. It should be discharged through the aquadag. I14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXBlank or green raster,flyback lines, faint pic or normal pic - no OSD after LOPTx replacementR3544 2R7 fusible pin 4 LOPTx int removing 5v supply14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXBlank raster - no sound or response to R/CNo o/p from IC7029 TDA8305A - chip faulty14-09-04

PhilipsGR1AXBLANK SCREEN , NO SOUNDC2044 4mfd SC.14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXBuzzing soundC2523, D6058, D6030, C2058, R305814-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXChange of C2523Change of C2523 --------------- A production change has been introduced replacing C2523 6.8uF 50V with 68uF 63V (code number 4822 124 40754). Note: It is possible for a failure of C2523 to result in the consequential failure of T7528 BUT11AF/BUT114-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXChanging tuner.Mod type see Tv Mag.14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXChassis manual correction.Chassis manual correction. -------------------------- Only for 21" S In chassis manual GR1-AX21"-S, 4822 727 18308, a wrong code has been published for the uP item 7700. Latest version of this uP item 7700: TMP47C434N-3537, 4822 310 31947. This is a non 14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXColor intermitting.Re-solder RGB ribbon cables (black) between CRT-panel and chassis: Position number 0051 - PCB GRID E6 on solder side of chassis Position number 0003 - on the solder side of CRT panel Position number 0053 - PCB GRID B5 on solder side of chassis Position nu14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXColour - green screen.IC TMP47C434-3559 tuning IC.14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXColour dropout when reproducing pre-recorded video tapesWhen reproducing poor quality pre-recorded video tapes, the available chroma burst signal from the recording may not be sufficient resulting in colour dropout. This can be improved by increasing the chroma sensitivity of the receiver. The value of C232214-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXColours flicker and disappear.Check C2050 (68nF; 5322 121 42465). 14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXContents of memory lostIt may happen that when switching on from standby the set comes on in "store lock" mode (sometimes called "hotel mode"). In this mode stored settings for programme selection and personal preference cannot be changed (see operating instructions for leavin14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXControl micro processorsControl micro processors ------------------------ A production change has been introduced adding a shield to the control micro processor to prevent the processor being influenced by external fields. In future, replacements will be supplied as a kit compr14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXCorrection to service manual LOT windingCorrection to service manual LOT winding ---------------------------------------- In the service manual of the GR1-AX chassis the circuit of the line output transformer is drawn incorrectly both in diagram A and the main PCB layout drawings. The +160V wi14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXCRT typesCRT types --------- Some receivers were fitted with a CRT type A34JFQ40X04 in production. The standardized replacement for all 14" receivers with these chassis is the A34EAC01X45. Spacers may have been used when mounting the A34JFQ40X04 in the cabinet. 14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXDeadL5519 o/c; C2523 6µ8 63v low cap14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXDeadD6613 15v zener, D6610 10v zener & D6644 1N4148 all leaky & LOP Tr s/c - check R3616 & R3680 1R in series14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXDeadD6546 BY228 EW mod diode s/c, F1534 fuse blown;14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXDeadD6610 10v zener s/c; BUK444B chopper FET s/c; R3616/3680 1R o/c; BUT11AF loptr s/c 14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXDead - 95v HT low at 15vC2618 27nF o/c - blue plastic body14-09-04
PhilipsGR1AXDead - HT at 15vD6610 BZX79C10 leaky14-09-04
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