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Found: 4551
PhilipsFL1.17Various faults can be observed.Check the earth connection from the SSP: connect earth tuner with earth line output transformer (LSP) to find-out whether the problem is solved. Check connectors L02 and S02 pins 1,2 (sometimes only 7 wires are used in the connector) 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.17Vertical shift is difficult to adjust.It is recommended to add R3471 (2K2; 4822 041 20222) REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9337. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.17Wrong options/no options in memory; several functions do not work.Re-adjust the options and implement the IIC-bus protection (MC33164). See service information FL1 93.02 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.17Wrong service batch of ST24C08CB1 memory IC'sWrong service batch of ST24C08CB1 memory IC's 4822 209 32283 ------------------------------------------------------------ Temporarily a wrong batch of EAROM's has been delivered, causing the fault "NVM MEMORY NOT WRITE PROTECTED" after replacing the EAROM14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.17Wrong synchronization, unstable colorsD6417 on the LSP dependent on temperature, check/replace (4822 130 81223) 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1AAChirps at sw on then goes into prot modeTransistors 7542 & 7540 in E-W cct s/c14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1AAInt goes into prot mode - st/by, mute & stereo LEDs flashingD6376 18v zener sm14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1AAINT SHUTDOWN ( LIGHTS FLASHING )D6373 ( 18v ZENER )14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1AALine prot cct operatingCrack in print near scan coils plug14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1AAReverts to st/by & prot mode at sw onDry joint L5521 or C2504 blue disc ceramic cap leaky or lack of POR signal due to o/c in track from Tr7272 coll to small signal panel jumper14-09-04

PhilipsFL1.1AATo over-ride prot cctShort pins S24 & S25 momentarily14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1AAWidth int reduces with no E-W corrCrack in print between R3608 & R360714-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1S50Hz buzz noticable through speakerCheck/replace IC7680 on the SSP - TDA8425, pseudo stereo IC. (4822 209 63734). 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SBad focus or focus varies in a new set or after CRT replacementPossible solution: Short circuit the focus and the G2 pins of the picture tube with the aquadag coating. Switch the set on for approximately 5 seconds. After this return the set to its original condition. Check if the focus adjusted normally. If not repla14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SBad or no functioning of the TDA4680/V4.Check/replace IC7430 TDA4680/V4 (4822 209 31592). It is recommended to add a zener diode BZX79-C12 (4822 130 34197) between pin 28 of the TDA4680/V4 and anode to ground. REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9140. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SBUX85F in mikroSOPS defectiveChange the value of C2260 to 4n7F, replace 7270 with transistor BD825 (4822 130 41746). 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SColored picture or picture is green/red, fly-back linesCheck zenerdiode 6450 on pin 19-IC7430 on the LSP. New diode must be Philips (Telefunken does not work), 4822 130 81512 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SColoured spot on screen during switch-offAs service solution the EHT cable can be replaced by 4822 218 21041 This is a EHT cable with bleeder to provide a faster discharge time. REMARKS : Only implement this service solution when it is necessary. Please note that a colour spot, which 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SCorrection to service information FL 95.01Correction to service information FL 95.01 ------------------------------------------ Correction in the overview of 100Hz and Proscan boxen. The replacement for service code 4822 212 30534 must be 4822 212 31231 The replacement for service code 4822 2114-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SCrackling/toggling sound or intermittent Nicam sound.This complaint is due to poor reception or reflection problem and is very much depending on the customers location. Service solution: - Change item 1045 on the Multi Sound Bi Nicam Panel into adjusting coil 5,85 MHz (4822 156 11157) - Change item 1045 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SDoes not start.Check/replace C2241 330 uF (4822 124 42208) on LSP. If C2241 is defective it is recommended to change the value of C2228 on the LSP into 33nF (4822 122 31981). REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9325. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SDoes not start.Check D6228 on the LSP. If D6228 is defective it should be replaced by SO824NH-1DA (4822 130 20277). It is recommended, for PWB version lower than .3, to add a capacitor of 47nF (4822 121 43526) across the cathode and gate of D6228. It is recommended, fo14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SDuring production an EEPROM protection panelDuring production an EEPROM protection panel (4822 212 31266) is introduced. Together with this also the following components have to be changed: On the Small signal panel: - Add position 3256 and 3257 4k7 (4822 051 10472) - Delete position 3280 and 3281 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SFailure of transistor TS7504 or TS7506 due to flash-over of CRT.If TS7504 or TS7506 has to be replaced it is recommended to replace both transistors. - change EHT cable into 4822 230 20172 - change R3508 into (2k7; 4822 116 53418) - delete R3504 REMARKS : Implement service solution only for sets produced bet14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SInstant colour/tint change problem.Use latest software version; V3.3 (4822 900 10299) REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9218. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SInterference in picture.Change 9441 on SSP into 33m (4822 152 20678) Change 9533 on LSP into 33m (4822 157 52314) Add item 2000 on LSP 2,2nF 2kV (4822 122 33802). REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9326. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SInterference in picture.Change 9441 on SSP into 33m (4822 152 20678) Change 9533 on LSP into 33m (4822 157 52314) Add item 2000 on LSP 2,2nF 2kV (4822 122 33802). REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9326. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SIntermittent NICAM decoding.Replace C2108 on the multi sound panel into 33pF (4822 126 10324). REMARKS : Introduced in production week 9129 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SIntermittent NICAM decoding.Replace C2108 on the multi sound panel into 33pF (4822 126 10324). REMARKS : Introduced in production week 9129 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1SJitterIn PIP unit change the value of R3336 to 4k7. 14-09-04
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