Make | Model | Problem | Solution | Date |
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Found: 4551
Philips | G110 | Set blocked; no control of functions. | Check solder joints of resonator 1760.
| 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Set blocks | No functions possible anymore Replace IC 7720 (TMP47C634N-2475; 4822 310 31844)
Important: also mount metal shielding with earth to R 3738 | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Set will scan but not stop if chanel found | Check pin 13 TDA2579 for 0V rising to 9V when signal present C2451 ( 0.01uF ) & IC | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Slow start up & won't sw to st/by with no sound & pulsing pic (usually after psu rebuild) | R3617 220R sm o/c in psu pri | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Sometimes the SOPS will not start up. | Replace 3617 which is fitted across 6617 (220 ohm; 4822 111 90178)
| 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Sound abswent with "F2" in display | Black wire that supplies 9v to NICAM board (to D6661 cath component side) was detached | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Sound distortion on lh chan - ok on fm sound | TDA1543 DA converter chip in Nicam cct faulty | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Sound mutes spontanuously | Mount two capacitors of 100 nF (5322 121 42578; in parallel) between pin 10 IC 7220 (stereo decoder) and earth. | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Standby Thyristor goes short circuit when switching to standby. | Checks in the Power Supply showed that TR7651 was open circuit Base/Emitter.
Service Code 4822 130 42513. | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Start up and run perfectly all day. But if it was | 20V zener diode D6657. | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Striations | Under certain picture conditions, vertical striations may be seen at the left side of the picture on some receivers only. Sets mostly affected are those fitted with a .4 version of the CRT base panel. The symptoms can be greatly reduced or cured complet | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | sync fault - loses line lock | Tr7364 BC858 o/c due to s/c o/p print to screening can on txt pcb | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Text does't function | Replace U 1003 (4822 212 23371) non TOP
Replace U 1003 (4822 212 23519) TOP | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Ticking sound | On some receivers it may be possible to hear a ticking noise in the background when the receiver is in external AV mode.
In cases of specific complaint, the phenomena can be reduced by modifying the NICAM panel as follows:
1. Remove chip resistors R3044 | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | To disable control cct if set trips | s/c pins 1 & 2 of opto coupler & run set on reduced mains (about 90v ac) to check psu; cause of tripping was D6657 LI-C20 diode in sound prot line leaky | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Transistor 7625 (BUT18AF) lasts longer | Add two diodes BYD73B (4822 130 60778) between base and emitter of 7625 (anodes towards base). Check the 7654 is BC817 and not BC847. | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Tuning unstable | Voltage on pin 11 U 1000 (Tuner) fixed
Replace U 1000 (UV 816; 4822 210 10365) | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Txt unlocked - appears over pic int | dry joints txt pcb - sm cap in this instance | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | txt waves about at top | C2829 47µ on txt pcb | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Vertical bars on channel 2 and 4. | For sets equiped with a .4 picture tube panel, on channel 2 and 4 there are vertical bars (spook) visible at the left side of the picture. To solve this problem remove on the picture tube panel capacitors 2417, 2418, 2419 and replace jumper 9302 by a cap | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Vertical shift incorrect, after replacing a 28" BL-CRT. | Mount in parallel of R3512 a resistor of 2K2 (4822 116 52256) or 2K7 (4822 116 52263). | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Very low contrast. | Check DC voltage on pin 7 of IC7350. If this voltage does not rise above 1.7 volts suspect a fault in the BCL line. Check/replace T7351 - BC848B (5322 130 41982).
Check/replace T7413 on the picture tube PCB (BC856B; 4822 130 60373). | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | When Chopper or LOP Trs goes s/c | Check C2546 8n2 2kv | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | White area visible on right side of screen in EXT1 mode of BL sets. | Remove the resistors 3462 and 3464. Add a potentiometer of 47K (4822 100 11371) on the position of R3461. | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Width at max or int (after LOPTx replacement) | R3525 10k width pot o/c | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Width excessive & varies with brightness | C2526 6n8 sm cap in EW mod cct leaky | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Will not start; +148V = +/- 20 volts | Fault suspected in Line output stage. Disconnect pin 3 of LOT transformer. If +148V comes to normal and line drive is achieved; reconnect pin 3 of LOT and try disconnecting R3281 (location D4 of PCB). If set starts up, suspect T7284 audio protection tra | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Wont power up unless pin 3 LOPTx dis'd | This is the 14v supply which feeds 12v reg. Q7284 BC858 sm in audio prot stage was leaky | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Won't start up - P.S squeals. Voltages lower than normal. | Sound IC defective. After replacement, PS protection active- Change also 7281&7282(BC848) near sound IC | 14-09-04 |
Philips | G110 | Won't start up - P.S squeals. Voltages lower than normal. | Sound IC defective. After replacement, PS protection active- Change also 7281&7282(BC848) near sound IC | 14-09-04 |