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Found: 4551
PhilipsFL1.1Colored picture or picture is green/red, fly-back linesCheck zenerdiode 6450 on pin 19-IC7430 on the LSP. New diode must be Philips (Telefunken does not work), 4822 130 81512 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Colors flicker when the set is warm or poor colorsCheck IC7366 color signal delay circuit (TDA4660). Replace by TDA4661 (4822 209 31714). When TDA4660 is replaced by TDA4661 also change the following components: - delete 2386, 3385 - change 3383 into 33k (4822 051 10333) - c14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Colour registrationColour registration ------------------- A production change has been introduced to improve colour registration as follows: Position Change New Code no. 4302 delete jumper - - 4300 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Correction on Service Information FL1.1 AC 92.06 (Correction on Service Information FL1.1 AC 92.06 (4822 727 19767) ----------------------------------------------------------------- At point 3 (New XICOR) is mentioned: Add positionn 6135 (4702). This should be: Add on position 6135 (470 ohm). REMARKS 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Correction to service information FL 95.01Correction to service information FL 95.01 ------------------------------------------ Correction in the overview of 100Hz and Proscan boxen. The replacement for service code 4822 212 30534 must be 4822 212 31231 The replacement for service code 4822 2114-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Correction to service manual FL1.1 AC/FL1.7 AACorrection to service manual FL1.1 AC/FL1.7 AA ---------------------------------------------- The code number of position 3410 on the Large Signal Panel is not correct. The correct code number is 4822 101 11871 (330k lin)14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Data interference audible in FM and NICAM during quiet soundCut the track coming to pin 14-TDA8425 as close to the IC as possible. Solder 5,6 nF ceramic flat capacitor between pin 14 and earth side of 2694. REMARKS : This modification has been introduced in sets from week 9131 onwards. New SSP from w14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Does not start-upCheck and replace if necessary supply transistor (2SC3973B; 4822 130 60851) position 7216 on the LSP. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Does not tune on some channelsNo tuning, tuning unstable, colour disappears or interference on some channels ( 5 + 59) Connect (solder) metal case of tuner to earth. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Does spontaneously switch over to program 1.Check resistor value of R3250 (in standby SOPS circuit). Maximum value 62 Ohm (4822 116 52198). 14-09-04

PhilipsFL1.1Drifting picture due to no sync.Fault occurs after one hour. Before assuming line oscillator problem, try freezing the components in the high end box. If this clears the problem, check IC7203 - TDA 2579B (4822 209 63423) on the LFR (digital scan) box. REMARKS : The ICs TD14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Drifting picture due to no sync.Fault occurs after one hour. Before assuming line oscillator problem, try freezing the components in the high end box. If this clears the problem, check IC7203 - TDA 2579B (4822 209 63423) on the LFR (digital scan) box. REMARKS : The ICs TD14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1E/W fault - bowed sides.TS7542 and TS7540 short circuit. REMARKS : There is a mistake in the Service Manual. TS7542 is drawn as a PNP type, but the transistor type should be BC857C as indicated in the spare parts list. The correct transistor is given in the parts l14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Fall off position 3204 on the Large signal panelFall off position 3204 on the Large signal panel ------------------------------------------------ When position 3204 (NTC/PTC; 4822 116 40215) on the LSP is defect it is recommended to replace it by a PTC/PTC (4822 116 40253). Together with this change al14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Field foldoverCheck zener 6451 3v6 or 5v614-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Frontends FQ816ME/B and FQ816MF/IFFrontends FQ816ME/B and FQ816MF/IF ---------------------------------- 1. For the frontend with service code number 4822 210 10507 the following types can be supplied: FQ816ME/B with factory code number 3122 297 10901 FQ916DME/SERVICE with factory14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Green and red coloured stripes visible in picture.Check/replace IC7253 on the High End Box (SDA9060; 4822 209 63891). 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Green fly-back lines, interruptsC2451 (330nF; 5322 121 42661) on pin 17 of IC7430 (TDA4680) defective . 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Horizontal amplitude cannot be adjustedTransistor 7610 (2SA1359) on the LSP short circuited, check/replace. (4822 130 60111). 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Horizontal black lines with 100Hz sets and Sony Hi8 camcorders.Change the value of C2396 on the small signal into 220nF (4822 122 32927). On 100Hz sets together with the Sony Hi8 camcorders, you can see very small sharp lines over the picture. This phenomenon is most of the times visable when the tape is situated i14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1How to enable/disable "Child Lock"Press "MENU" button on Remote Control. When the menu appears on the screen, you select "SPECIAL FEATURES" (this expression is language dependent) Within "SPECIAL FEATURES", the "CHILD LOCK" can be enabled or disabled. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Int startup/reverts to st/byR3374 75k ?w o/c14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1JitterIn PIP unit change the value of R3336 to 4k7. 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1LEDs blinking; error code 99.Check C2504, across collector and emittor of TS7504 and/or TS7506, on the LSP and replace and/or it by a 3kV version. 820p 3kV 10%: 4822 126 13152 1n 3kV 10%: 4822 126 13153 1n2 3kV 10%: 4822 126 13154 1n5 3kV 10%: 4822 126 1314-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Low Brightness TXT and OSD, Picture OKIf this condition occurs, check the Option Codes. Resetting the Option Code numbers as per the Service Manual provided the cure.14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Low frequency hum from subwoofer, buzz from right hand squeeter.Check DC level on pin 1 and 9 of IC7011 (TDA1521). If not correct, replace (4822 209 63913). 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Menu doublesIC7202 (LH2464-10; 4822 209 63893) in High-end-box defective . 14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1ModificationModification ------------ Change position 4210 on the Small Signal Panel into 1k ohm (4822 051 10102). Reason: to prevent failure of IC7202 (TDA2579). REMARKS : It is recommended to check and replace position 4210 each time the 100Hz box is rep14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Modification of the stand-by SOPSModification of the stand-by SOPS --------------------------------- Due to a shortcircuit in the stand-by SOPS it can happen that fuse 1250 breaks down too slowly. Because of this the fuse can carbonize and the current will flow for a to long time which c14-09-04
PhilipsFL1.1Modification stand-by SOPSModification stand-by SOPS -------------------------- Fuse 1250 has been replaced by a 1 Ohm resistor (4822 052 10108) REMARKS : Introduced in production in week 9209. 14-09-04
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